Lm, 5h

388 7 0

( 9 bad bitches in bands )

Perrie: I'm texting Y/n
Perrie: I'm gonna ask her to dinner
Perrie: How should I text it?
Perrie: "Lets get dinner" or "Do you want to get dinner"

Ally: Go with "Lets get dinner"
Ally: So your like assertive and confident

Perrie: For sure

Leigh-Anne: Actually now you sound a little agressive
Leigh-Anne: Because you don't wanna be that girl that's like "LETS GET DINNER" like your some sort of caveman

Normani: Your supposed to ask her to dinner not tell her to dinner
Normani: Just say "Do you want to get dinner"

Perrie: Perfect

Jade: Actually wait now you sound kinda like a pussy

Perrie: This is tough

Camila: The last thing you wanna be is the like overly massculine girl that's like
Camila: "Lets get dinner, I'm the breadwinner bitch"

Jesy: But girls also love assertiveness

Dinah: Say "dinner is something I would enjoy taking you on if you were also interested in attending the meal"

Lauren: The more words the better

Leigh-Anne: No wait say
Leigh-Anne: "I would like nothing more than to take you to the finest restaurant in town"
Leigh-Anne: "For a lovely meal we call dinner"

Perrie: Should I send that in a voice memo?

Dinah: Fuck that

Jesy: "7PM"

Lauren: Cause she's playing games

Jade: Sign it, seal it, deliver it

Camila: I don't know why girls are so difficult all the time

Perrie: Yeah, I'm not gonna say that

Ally: Don't say that


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