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Moving Charlie's parents outside was hard work. We had decided to burn them over the fence behind the hotel. "Bye Mum, bye Dad, I love you" Charlie said crying as we lit the bodys on fire. We had used some of our spare fuel to make sure they would burn. Eating breakfast we talked about returning to the farm. We decided we would wait a few more days to make sure the fire zombies had passed. In the meantime we would scavenge. Charlie needed more clothes, and I needed a new bra, before mine snapped in half. Terry was hoping to find more medical supplies, and Sam wanted to find a camera. He had decided he was going to document everything he could. Hopefully one that would run on batteries, as far as we could tell there was no power anywhere and we wouldn't be getting it back for a while.

Sam got to teaching Charlie how to use a katana, while me and Terry headed to reception.

Finding the door unlocked we slowly moved around checking for zombies. Finding none we relaxed a little. Looking at the wall of pamphlets I found a couple of maps of our town, and one of the whole region. Terry broke open the vending machine with a crowbar and we grabbed all the snacks and drinks, putting them in his backpack. Heading into the back office Terry found a first aid cabinet to raid and another two vending machines. While I'll check the cupboards for anything useful. Being less than a year into this meant that most of the food we found was still edible. Once done in there we grabbed the Skeleton key, so we could search all the other units. In unit one we found, four zombies, a small amount of food and some spare clothes for me and Terry. In unit two we found nothing, the rooms were empty of zombies and belongings. Looking into unit three we noticed there had to be at least 20 or so zombies. With just me and Terry we decided to leave it. Checking the fourth unit we found only one zombie, and two suitcases full of kids clothes. Most of which would fit Charlie. Taking all the stuff back to our unit was easy. We decided to check the bath house next. Hopefully we'd be able to use the hot springs. Unlocking the door to the hot springs we decided to check them one by one. The first one was empty of zombies and had about 15 towels stacked on the bench inside. The second one was also empty. The third one however had several dead bodies lying in it. Deciding to leave them there we went to get Charlie and Sam so we could bathe. All us grabbing clean clothes, we locked the unit door behind us and headed to the hot spring one. With tons of little bottles of soup we had found we took our time cleaning and relaxing in the water. Laughing and telling stories we hadn't realized how late it was until the sun started to set. "Maybe we should head back to the room" I suggested. Terry agreed and we got dried and dressed into clean clothes. Still maintaining our happy vibes we headed out of the bathhouse. Stopping at the door I noticed loud growls. "Stop!" I said too late. Sam had already opened the door. The zombie jumped on him and bit down into his check. Crying out, they fell to the ground. Terry quickly closed the door leaning against it while Charlie used her katana to take the zombie out. Pushing it to the side Sam sat up. Blood slowly flowed from the bite mark on his check. "Good thing he's immune" Terry said quietly. Charlie gave us a puzzled look and we promised to explain later. Being that she was also immune we still hadn't told her about the Z-47 injection. With her being around the same age she must have gotten it too. Peeking out the door I saw a lot of zombies all swarming around the bath house. Quickly coming up with a plan on how to get around them we decided Terry would hold the door open a little while I used the Sams katana to take them out slowly. With my sickle being a curved blade it wouldn't work in the small gap. Working slowly I started to take them out one by one. 20 minutes later they were still swarming around the door and both me and Terry were exhausted. "Let me take over, I'm immune mum" Sam said standing up. Hesitantly I agreed. With me and Terry both keeping the door open only a little, and Sam slowly taking them down it was easier for all of us. It only took another 10 minutes and we had taken out most of them. With only a small amount left scattered across the car park we decided to make a run for it. With the key to the unit in one hand and my weapon in the other I ran quietly over to our unit and unlocked it. As soon as I had the door open the others followed. Exhausted Terry patched up Sam's face, then we ate some tinned fruit for dinner and went to bed.

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