Chapter 22 "I wish some moments lasted forever"

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DISCLAIMER: If you want to feel this chapter a bit more, go listen to The Mystery Of Love by Sufjan Stevens, please enjoy :)

Harry was staring at him for a good amount of two minutes.

What had he just said?

He was pretty sure his hands were shaking by that time and no words could come out of his trembling lips.

His eyes were focused on the blond wizard infront of him and only moved to glance at the clock, he had less than 10 minutes.

He sat back on his chair, took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. He closed his eyes and took some slow breaths trying to collect himself. He didn't have time to think he had to use these 10 minutes wisely.

"Fuck." He murmured to himself while opening his eyes and wearing his glasses again.

He sighed and looked at Draco.

"Bipolar Disorder?" He asked in a low tone, wanted to make sure that he had heard him correctly.

Draco nodded, "Yes." He answered flatly.

"Are you diagnosed?"



"About a year ago."

"And how does it affect you?"

"I don't know, I can't remember much after, when it happens, it lasts about one to two weeks."

"That's a lot."

"Yes, it's Bipolar 1 Disorder."

Harry made sure to write everything down so he could find more information later.

"And what happens during those days?"

Draco was gazing at him with his blue, unreadble eyes, no expression on his face.

"I lose myself." He answered.


"According to my doctor I go through episodes of depression or manic symptoms, sometimes both at the same time, that's really the worst."

"So you are telling me, basically confessing, that you killed your own mother under an episode of mania that you experienced at that day?"


"Fuck." Harry murmured again.

2 minutes.

"All this time, you were aware that you had killed her, right?"

He shook his head. "No. Not from the beggining at least, I put the pieces together after some weeks, combined with many nightmares and flashbacks, I finally realised what had happened that night even though I'm still unable to remember being there or killing her." He breathed. "But I know I did it."

Harry was done writing down his words by the time the clock stopped and the potion lost its power.

Draco fell back on his chair, burrying his face into his palms.

Hello Azkaban.

That was the only thing he could think about at that very moment. Harry was going through his notes, deciding that talking to the wizard now that the spell was over wasn't really something he would like to do.

He didn't really know what he should say to him either, so he stayed silent, reading his answers again and again.

After five minutes Draco raised his head to face the Gryffindor. His eyes were lifefull again and his face harsh and serious as always, he didn't look like a robot anymore Harry noticed as soon as his eyes met his. It was a relief, he had to admit.

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