9-What's a Mudblood

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      This morning the Great Hall was buzzing, the Tri-Wizard Tournament champions were being picked today. You had almost forgot about it until you heard the great hall buzzing with excitement. You waved to Luna and took your seat across from Calliope. You weren't sure if you should say hi to Draco just yet, you didn't want to come off needy. You and Calliope gossiped quietly, when suddenly she started to giggle. "What, what happened?" you asked suddenly getting self-conscious. 

     "Oh nothing, just your loverboy keeps looking back at you" Calliope said teasingly. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks immediatly knowing it was Malfoy. You turn around to look at Malfoy and  a few seconds later his head turned as well. You both didn't know what to do so you sat silently for a moment.

     "Um... how are you feeling" Malfoy said awkwardly, which is not typical of him. 

     "Better" you said with a smile. The silence continued, which made your skin crawl slightly. "So Malfoy, I've always wondered, do you bleach your hair?" You asked, trying to somehow lighten the mood. 

     "No this is all natural Flamel" he bragged pushing his hair back, this made your heart flutter once again. 

     "I guess that makes sense, I don't know why you would purposefully have that color!" you said teasingly.

     "Don't act like you don't love it Y/N" he said with a wink. You rolled your eyes at his arrogance, however it was true, you did love his unique hair, although you'd never admit it. "Don't let me keep me from your food, let's meet up when they pick the champions". You agreed and once again turned back to your table. You loved your new routine. 


     The school gathered excitedly around the cup, you however looked around for the platinum blonde. You slinked your way through the crowd till you were right behind him. "Hello Malfoy" you said as if you just happened to be near him. 

     "Ah Flamel, here to fawn over whatever dunce of a Durmstrang get's picked for the tournament" Malfoy teased.

     "Maybe I am," you said with a smile while trying not to make eye contact with him. The rest of the time you sat in silence while the names were announced, Victor Krum, Fleur Delecour, and now for the hogwarts champion.

     "I'm sure it will be a slytherin," Malfoy said with a cross of his arms. Suddenly the name popped out of the cup.

     "Cedric Diggory" shouted Dumbledore. 

     "Ha! Or maybe a Hufflepuff" you boasted. You were too busy teasing Malfoy that you missed the puff of smoke as another piece of paper fluttered out of the cup.

     "Harry Potter?" Dumbledore questioned. The great hall erupted with whispers, but you and Malfoy seemed to be the only two not surprised. Of course Potter weasled his way into the Tri-Wizard tournament, you'd be more shocked if he didn't.


     You made your way back to the Great Hall, losing Malfoy in the chaos. You found Calliope and you were about to discuss what just happened when you suddenly noticed a crowd forming. You tried to see what was going on but you couldn't see a thing with all the people surrounding. All of a sudden Malfoy breaks out from the center of the crowd and everyone dispersed leaving an angry Ron and upset Hermione. You listened closely to the crowds mumbling, "I can't believe he called her a mudblood!" you heard someone say. 

     You catch up too Malfoy on a staircase, "Wait up Malfoy!" you huffed while catching your breath, "What was it that you called Granger, a mudblood" you asked curiously.

     Malfoy's mouth curled into a grin, "Dirty blood, muggle born trash" he said as if reciting something he'd heard a million times. You suddenly gasped, the phrase wasn't common in America but you knew exactly how disgusting the word was. 

     "I-I knew you were mean... but I just- I didn't expect this from you" you spat coldly. Malfoy's demeanor immediately  changed.

     "Wait Y/N I just-" he tried, however in that moment he knew there was no going back, you now knew the type of person you really were. Tears welled up in your eyes as you stormed away from him. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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