Mcgee and Ericsson

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How has my writing style been effected by this? Well it's quite easy, yet hard to say at the same time. The simplest answer would be to say that it has actually caused me to write in a different style then I am used to.. but that is easily the lamest answer I could possibly give. The reason for this is plain: No matter what kind of writing you do in college, there is always going to be at least 50% that forces you to write in a style you aren't used to. It is what I like to call the "Curse of the English Major". Whether you're fiction writer, or a journalist, you WILL start at the bottom. Meaning you will have to write in a whole lot of different styles before you can get a large enough repetoire to start publishing a bestseller, becoming a New York Times writer or etc. In this case, it is safe to say the way my writing style has been effected will probably effect most of the students in my class.. (though there is also the possibility it won't, forgive my overlogical thinking.. but there is always only a 99.99999 chance of anything happening.. never 100%).

Then again, HOW my writing style has been affected, is a different matter entirely."We must be confident enough about technology to play with it" (Mcgee and Ericcson 465). That is a statement that really opened my eyes to this sort of writing. Trying new things has never been such an easy journey to me. Firstly, my technological prowess relies soley on myself, meaning I never use spellcheck, or any grammar correcting software, seeing it as an irritating red or green line that always makes me hammer my head against the wall, growling like Godzilla in a hangover. It is for this reason, and many others, that I only ever use technology to write, not to edit. However, whenever I must do something like an important essay, and not a fantasy novel, which is my hobby on this site known as Wattpad (I have 3 accounts, this one is for blogging and one of my less engaged series..), I am forced to rethink my writing style and check my grammar often, taking me out of my comfort zone like Smaug the Dragon being pulled out of the Misty Mountain to do Karoake.

Should Elementary children use MSGC? That is one question that I read on another blog on this assignment, and was asked about 3 weeks ago by a friend of my at an internship on another campus. Depends on the child of course. I cannot honestly answer this question as each and every child has their own manner of speaking, learning, and writinig, even if they haven't fully developed their cognitive skills. Some children are absolutely phenomenal at technology, using their parent's ipads and iphones like they have for 15 years though they are in reality only 3 years old, others take bad influence from technology becoming shutins. My point is, I do not feel like I am in the proper position to judge how children are taught. Humans aren't like computers who are all identical to one model and brand. There are over 6 billion brands of different human beings.

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