Ch. 5

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Laying down on my bed, I petted Happy trying to clear my mind, but every time I think that Natsu is out of my mind it comes back. Frustrated I sat up from bed, 'Why can't I get Natsu out of my head!' As I went to get up and go to the kitchen I heard a sound coming from my window.

"Happy was that you?"

"No, but I heard it too."

As we both looked at the window it opened and someone came in. Scared and screaming I kicked whoever it was and they landed on the ground.


"Lucy stand back, I'll protect you!!!"

"Wait, hold on a second Happy!" Looking closer at who it was, the person looked at me and it was Natsu. Shocked and scared I went up to him to see if I hit him to hard.

"Are you okay!?"

"Why are you helping him!? He just busted through your window!?"

"I'm fine Luce, but you got a strong kick for a girl."

"Do you want another one."

"NO MA'AM!!!"

"Why did you come through my window in the first place!?"

"I was trying to check on you and also it's a lot of fun!!!"

"I'm so confused."

Grabbing Happy I sat down in front of Natsu and Happy grabbed onto my arm letting Natsu know that if he touches me he'll attach.

"It's okay Happy, this is Natsu. He's my childhood friend."

"That's him!?"

"Yes Happy see," As I reached down for my necklace, I open the heart with me and Natsu and showed it to Happy.

"See? There's nothing to worry."

"Okay, but I'm watching you."

"Don't mind Happy, he's just over protected when it comes to me."

"It's fine, I want to protect her too little buddy."

Turning my head away blushing a little, Happy got off my lap and went in front of Natsu. Looking back at the boys they stared at each other which creeped me out till out of nowhere they broke out.




"Ugh, I swear..." As I got up I went to go to the kitchen to make food but then was pulled back down and was grabbed. Scared and a little shocked Happy looked at me with shock as well, waiting for me to ask him for help, till I heard someone speaking to one of my ear.

"Why did you run away Luce? Were you jealous?!"


"Also Levy invited all the boys to the sleepover too, you are going right Luce?"

"I-I don't know....."

"Well if your not going neither am I."

Surprised I got out of his arms and look at him in the eye's. He was seriously not going to go hang out with his friends just because I wont go? With Happy grabbing onto my hand, I held onto the necklace.

"Why? Their your friends?"

"You mean more to me plus it wouldn't be fun without you!"

Surprised I looked away blushing at the comment then Happy tapped me. Looking at Happy to see what he wanted he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

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