Chapter 1-The Big Bad Brother

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a/n: so this includes billy (as you could probably tell from the title lol) but nothing i write about him in any of these fics are canon. like in some he'll be the evil brother who's alive, in some he'll be dead, in some he'll be working on himself and on being a better brother to max. don't at me for any of these views on him please, billy's a really complex character so there are lots of different opinions on him. anyways this already really long so yeah. sorry lol. have fun reading


trigger warning: mentions of abuse and minor violent scene. read at your own risk

this takes place like a couple months after the snow ball btw


"Um...not tonight, okay?"

"That's what you said last week," Lucas whined playfully, but Max could tell he was only half-joking.

"It's just really not a good time right now." She looked at him, eyes pleading. "But I promise someday. It's just—"

She cut off when her eyes wandered to the alarm clock by his bed. It was late. Her house and Lucas's were ten minutes apart, but she had to be at her place in less than five. "Shit, he's gonna kill me," she muttered, shooting up from Lucas's bed. Lucas didn't know if she meant Neil or Billy, but either way she wasn't fully exaggerating. He helped her gather her stuff and they rushed outside. Even though she knew his parents and little sister were just inside, she kissed him quickly for good measure.

Lucas kissed her back, taking her hands in his. She suddenly regretted kissing him in the first place because now she didn't wanna stop.

Finally, after what felt like ages but what was (hopefully) only a few moments, Max pulled away, breathless. "See ya, Stalker."

"See ya, MadMax." His cheeks were flushed, just like she imagined hers were. She offered him one last smile before turning around.

She didn't look over her shoulder, knowing he was watching her. When she turned a corner so she was finally out of his sight, she let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. Truth was, she felt bad about not letting Lucas go to her house yet. She knew he thought it was because she was ashamed of him, which hurt. But it was the exact opposite; she was ashamed of her family. Max hadn't told anyone yet, but Billy had been getting worse. Over the summer, her step dad had stopped caring so much about her safety and her mom's, therefore loosening up on Billy. Now he wasn't afraid to follow up on his threats, so she was more scared of him than ever.

Neil, she didn't even like to think about. Work had been more stressful, which he'd been dealing with by drinking more, which therefore caused him to be more dangerous. He wasn't only easing up on Billy, he was going harder on Max and her mom. Max wasn't planning on telling anyone, but she came home one day the previous week just in time to see her awful step dad slap Susan right across the face. Max had run all the way to Lucas's house. When she arrived, she put on a smile before climbing through his window and declaring she was having a sleepover. They spent the night talking, giggling, and eventually sleeping before they had to hide her from his mom. Max got up just barely early enough to sneak out before they could be caught. Even though his family knew about her home situation and said she was welcome at their house any time, she didn't think they'd approve of the barely fourteen year old couple sleeping in the same room, though at the time she didn't want to be alone.

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