Stranger Games

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*puts on cowboy hat* *breathes deeply*


(but imagine that in a country accent if you didnt catch that already*

anyways hehehe yes i know its been forever im not dead and i am so sorry my children

im a terrible mother i know

i apologize

to make it up i present you with this long chapter that is actually going to be made into two shorter chapter so i dont feel as bad about not updating forever muahahaha

okay please enjoy this cuteness 

its not really a lot of at first it is but then its not but

um youll see hehe

"I'm boooooored," Max whined.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" Lucas asked, turning off the movie they'd been watching. He agreed, it was really boring.

"Oh yeah, I still need to fix my skateboard," she perked up at the thought of having something to do and lifted her head from where it had been resting on Lucas's chest, his arms falling from her shoulders as she stood.

He sighed and waited while she went into her room and came back with her skateboard and a roll of duct tape. Lucas was saving up to get her a new one for her birthday, but until then she was stuck adding layers and layers of tape every time Billy or Neil broke it.

She sat criss-cross on the floor and started fixing it, brows furrowed in concentration. Lucas just watched her. She looked so adorable right now he kind of wanted to mess with her.

"I've been thinking of a new nickname for you," he said.

He heard her sigh. "You know that I hate nicknames." Even though secretly she loved the ones Lucas had for her.

He smirked, knowing this would be the cause of his death and not really caring. "Yeah, but this one is really good."

"As long as it's not misogynistic or offensive about my hair, then go ahead."

He slid off the couch, onto the floor next to her. She didn't look up from her work. "Okay, so just hear me out."

She nodded.

His grin grew before he even said it. "My perfect little ginger pumpkin angel."

She glared at him the second the word 'perfect' came out of his mouth. He tried to make himself look innocent, but it obviously wasn't working. "I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that, Stalker."

"What?" he asked, knowing he was treading dangerous waters here. "My perf—?"

But Max cut him off before he could finish, launching at him and making him fall over. Her hands were on his shoulders and she was straddling his hips, holding him down. "I swear that this will be the day you die."

He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "What a way to go."

She rolled her eyes at him, but said, "What a way to go, indeed."

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