Chapter 3-The AV Room

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hehe i decided last minute to take out most of the steam and make it more playful bc why not

and the steam was a little unnecessary lmao

but dont worry your pretty little lumax heads more steam to come 

i live for these two 


"It's so weird to be here again." Lucas said, looking around.

"Shh," Max replied, tugging his hand down the empty hallway. "I don't think we're allowed to be here, so shut up."

Lucas laughed and allowed his girlfriend to pull him to her desired destination, which was a mystery to him. "Hey, where are we going, anyway?"

She smiled mischievously back at him. "Oh, you'll see."

They were at Erica's open house at Hawkins Middle School, because in a week she'd be in sixth grade. That also meant only a week left of freedom for the Party, so Lucas had turned her down when his mom asked if he and Max wanted to tag along that morning, but Max had piped up and said yes for some reason that Lucas didn't know. They were supposed to all hang out at the pool today, and he had been happy to spend one of his last summer days outside with all his friends and his girlfriend, but said girlfriend apparently had different intentions.

The hallway made Lucas feel nostalgic, all the memories from it rushing into the forefront of his mind. When Max took a turn by their old lockers, he had an idea of where she might be leading him. His theory was proved right when they stopped in front of the AV room.

Max let go of his hand to jiggle the doorknob, only to find it locked. "Fuck," she muttered under her breath. Lucas smiled. He liked that Max swore, because other than Nancy and sometimes El, he didn't know any girls that swore.

"I wish you had El's powers so you could just unlock it with your mind," Lucas said when Max came back to stand next to him.

"Wish I have something I don't one more time and you'll find yourself girlfriendless, Stalker." But she was still distracted, looking for a way in.

"Sorry." He jiggled it too, as if it would magically be unlocked for him. "I wonder if they let Mike keep the key."

"Probably not, and even if he did, what're we gonna do? No way he'll come here just to give us a key. He and El are probably making out in the hot tub or something."

"Good point."

The couple then heard a set of footsteps coming down the hall, and Max grabbed Lucas's hand to hide, but it was too late. Mr. Clarke came turning the corner and the teenagers were standing there, looking guilty with their hands clasped together.

"Mr. Sinclair!" Mr. Clarke said, a surprised smile on his face when he spotted them. "And Mrs. Sinclair!" The two blushed at the name Mr. Clarke used to address Max and he laughed heartily. "Long time no see!"

"Oh, hey, Mr. Clarke," said Lucas guiltily. "We're just here for my little sister's open house thing and got a on the way to the bathrooms."

Max rolled her eyes at the pathetic lie and Lucas cringed, but they both put on what they hoped were convincing smiles.

To their shared relief and confusion, Mr. Clarke just laughed. "Relax, kids. Need help?"

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