Stranger Games Pt. 2

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i hope you enjoyed the part one because now youre getting a part 2 yayyyy

youre welcome

Lucas was right when he said that, it turned out. They had been walking around the mall, seeing who could be the cutest couple, and somehow Mike and Max had managed to be winning, according to judges Dustin and Will. Max had been riding around on Mike's back and Mike had been buying her everything, both giving smug looks to the opposing team when an old lady told them they were cute and looked just like her and her deceased husband at that age.

"Okay, now time for round two, couple's pictures!" Dustin said, holding a plastic spoon as if it were a microphone and using his game show host voice.

"Lucas," El said, taking her boyfriend of the day by the shoulders and looking at him intensely, "we have to win this round."

"It can't be that hard," he agreed, nodding. "Just act like we're in love. Nothing to it."

"Max and Mike can be painfully cute and have way more chemistry than us, we can do the same. They actually hate each other, and we don't, so we have an advantage."

Lucas was nodding along slowly. "We need to get them to argue."

"The littlest thing can set them off," she said. "They're both big drama queens, and that means something like ice cream flavor can get them screaming at each other."

"We just need to ignite the spark."

El smiled devilishly. "Mm-hmm."

"Hey, not-so-lovebirds," Max called over, clutching Mike's hand, "you ready or what?"

"Yeah, coming," Lucas replied, sending a glare her way. She missed it though; she had already turned around and was chatting with Mike as they walked, still holding hands.

"I feel like we should be jealous," El said, struggling to keep in step with Lucas because of his longer legs, although dating Mike she was used to that. "Just a little bit. Is it bad that we're not?"

"This isn't real," Lucas shrugged. "If it were I'd obviously be jealous, but it's not. We just made the mistake of letting two of the most competitive people in the world team up."

"Hey, it was Max's idea, not mine." El grinned.

They approached the photo booth, and Max took out her wallet. "Okay, Wheeler, you've been paying for everything, let me handle it."

"It's fine," he said. "I've been working all summer, I can pay."

"Really, I have a discount, I'm paying."

"No, the girl isn't supposed to pay—"


Lucas and El looked at each other excitedly. They were going to fight, it was only a matter of time, they would lose—

But much to their dismay and confusion, Mike shrugged. "Okay, thanks."

She smiled and then walked up to the cashier, leaving El and Lucas looking disappointed. Will came up to them, eyebrows raised. "They're doing better than I thought."

El brushed it off with a wave of her hand. "Only a matter of time before they blow up, you'll see."

Dustin, who had been listening in, walked over to the group, still holding the spoon-microphone in his hand. "Contestants, is it true that even though the opposing team fight like cats and dogs, they're doing better than you?"

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