idk what this is lol

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hi yall

it is currently 11:30 at night and i have to get up at 5

ive been telling myself id go to sleep at like 9 but here we are

so hows your life? good? sucky? full of depression and sadness and confusion and anxiety?

lol me too

im so hot

and bored

and lonely which is why im writing this bc i have no one else

my bf is being a dumb bish and aint texting me back

my best friend goes to bed at like 7:30 *eyeroll* how dare she be responsible

oh haha yall wanna know summ funny

i appreciated it

so i was doing this thing for health class right and it was like all about balanced diets and healthful (am i the only one who feels like that shouldnt be a word?) food and instead of making me wanna eat a salad or something it made me really want mcds

so what did i do?

thats right, i made my bf drive me to mcds bc i was at home today and it was his lunch

what are boyfriends for if not to take their girlfriend who cant drive *cries* to mcdonalds amirite?

im so sorry about this btw its so random and weird and not at all related to the book and just

thank you for reading this if you even did lmao

oh god i have a math test tomorrow

godspeed my friends

love you sm


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