Chapter 2-We Fight, We Make Up

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the fight in this one isn't bad so don't get too scared lol

but don't worry i have some lumax angst torture coming up in a couple chapters that i literally just finished today and im so excited about it and itll be like 2 parts but whatever

this chapter is really short sorry hehe don't hate me

so at the end of chapters im thinking of asking yall what titles i should do based on the theme of the next chapter bc i can not come up with chapter names to save my life istg

anywho have fun reading my crap writing 

(whos reading? no one lol this is for fun but WHATEVER)


Lucas and Max rarely fought anymore.

In the first few months of their relationship, they fought all the time. Well, as fight-y as two thirteen year olds could get. But that was Max getting mad over something stupid and trying to push him away because she was scared by the fact someone cared so much about her and she expected him to just break her heart like everyone else in her life had at any moment so she tried to spare herself the pain by breaking up with him first. Simple.

Or it should've been, but he fought so hard to get her back every time, and eventually she realized he was there to stay. Their fights were reduced to teasing and banter and competing, because they were that couple and they owned it. They were that couple so much that if they were anywhere competing against each other, most commonly the arcade, you wouldn't be able to tell they were a couple or even friends because of how hard they went on each other. That is, until the redhead would use her hold over him to her advantage, wrapping her her arms around his waist and kissing him senseless so he would lose concentration.

The last real fight they had was last month at a party, but the last fight before that was sometime in Freshman Year. Now they were Sophomores. At the party the topic of the fight happened to be the exact topic of this fight, also the reason for the building tension between the two in the past month. The only reason they hadn't broken up at the party was because Max had gotten drunk and thrown up everywhere and Lucas took her to his house to take care of her, the anger forgotten for a few weeks.

But there was nothing to save them this time, as they stood outside Hawkins High's front entrance during their lunch period.

"I've told you so many times how uncomfortable I am with this!" Max gripped the straps of her backpack.

"With what, exactly?" Lucas asked, voice raised. "The fact that I'm friends with a girl other than you and El?"

"It's not that, and you know it," Max said, temper rising dangerously. "I'm fine with you having girl friends, that's totally fine, but your relationship with Clary is really weird!"

"I don't see what's so weird about it!" Lucas huffed. "She may be a little nicer to me than everyone else, but she—"

"Oh my God, Lucas, really?" Max laughed incredulously. "She's not 'a little nicer to you', she treats you like some fucking god—some fucking single god, not to mention—"

"She does not!" Lucas retaliated. "And besides, why do you let it get to you so damn much? Plenty of guys have liked you before, but did you see me acting all jealous?"

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