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hey y'all🙂

so i wanted to update buuuut i updated yesterday so if i dont pace myself ill run out of premade fics soon and then leave yall hanging for like a month while i finish the three (yes i started three at the same time) other super long ones lmao

so here are some little canons for them i found on my google docs 


 so i have this one where max totally has anxiety

like it's obviously canon that mike has it really bad and im not trying to take that from him or whatever but think about it

max has so many reasons to have anxiety

and she really gives off the vibes of someone who has anxiety and is good at hiding it

and id know

because I am one of those people lmao *inwardly crying* haha

so she doesn't tell anyone not even lucas bc the party knows mike has it and she doesn't wanna seem like she's trying to make it all about her

because they've all experienced one of his worse attacks and um it was bad and surely hers can't be that bad

little does she know they are that bad and if anyone saw one they would confirm that

but she has anxiety about her anxiety (im basically basing this off me lol)

so one day they're playing D&D (the boys are, el is just looking at mike like a lovesick puppy and pretending to pay attention and max is getting annoyed and yelling at everyone that she isn't going to play unless she's a zoomer goddamnit) (and mike is yelling at her that there iS NO ZOOMER MAX GET OVER IT OR GET OUT) (you know the usual)


she starts to feel an attack coming on really quickly and knows she'll just barely make it to the bathroom even if she leaves like right now

everyone ofc notices bc she stops mid-scream and all the color goes out of her face and she looks like she's either just seen a ghost or is about to throw up or both

so she just stands and like books it into the bathroom and slams the door and everyone stares at the door all concerned and worried

and obviously someone's like "lucas you should—"

but lucas is already up and knocking on the door and el makes everyone go upstairs so now they're alone

and lucas is all "max you okay? what happened?"

he turns the knob and it's not locked so he peeks in

only to find quite possibly the most heartbreaking scene ever

his girlfriend sitting on the floor, knees pulled to her chest, crying and gasping and pulling at her shirt and hair and whimpering something about how she can't breathe and she's going to die and she's scared and she wants lucas

he's next to her in a second

he comforts her till it passes and when it does she's all embarrassed and apologizing over and over again and he's just shushing her and rocking her and holding her in his lap trying not to cry

its something he'll never forget but it is something he wants to forget

she eventually opens up to him about it more and then even starts to give little bits of information here and there to the rest of the party

lucas also learns to be able to tell when one is coming on and becomes really good at helping her through them

im very conflicted about making this a fic

like i want to??

but at the same time

i just


im supposed to be doing biology right now but whatever 

yall should tell me if you want a fic based roughly off this canon or no 

yeet or be yeeted


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