anakin: (platonic) you see him eat bugs

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More of a drabble thingy

-you're disgusted at first
-they're crawling in his hands
-and into his mouth
-he's licking his fingers and you can't help the grimace on your face
-"anakin, there's–there's food right here"
-he chews on a slimy worm covered in dirt and grins
-holding out a beetle he asks, "want one?"
-in all honesty, it makes sense that he'd eat bugs
-he was a...well...slave after all, so he probably had to forage for food in the wastelands
-you're kinda concerned about him though because the bugs could be poisonous
-old habits die hard?
-"please stop." you say
-"have a ration bar instead. i don't want you to get sick."
-he waves it off and throws a handful of ants in his mouth
-"don't worry." he says. "last time i got sick, i almost died. don't worry though, i know which one is–"
-he pauses and throws one of the various bugs down
-"that bug was poisonous."
-you run a hand through your hair and force push the rest of the bugs out of his hands
-"ration bar." you sternly say. "eat it."

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