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"The kid is gone! Not now, not ever Tommy!"
"It's not fair Techno!"
"It's not SAFE Tommy" The kid never listens! How many times would he have to tell him that he wasn't going to look for Tubbo? He was gone. Not friendly but missing, gone. He had seen to many people fall off that edge. He had seen none return to normal after. They just don't. They either stay missing, or they return with their mind set on hatred. Even if the kid did make it back, he would never be the same. He would hate Tommy until the day he died. It wasn't fair, but the world doesn't care. And he had bigger issues to deal with. Niki was the closest watched person in Manberg. Getting her out of there would be no easy job in itself. He had to do it without being seen, heard, or even thought of. A single mistake could be the end of himself and Niki. It was a huge risk, but he was told the information she has is vital. He still didn't understand why she couldn't tell him. But if she trusted him enough to get her out, then the information she couldn't trust him with must be crucial to the war. If you could even call it a war. It was barley even a rebellion. Once he got this farm going and they all weren't half starved and more people took up their cause, then they would have a real rebellion on their hands. He had joined the cause because he had seen wrongs being committed, and people who would allow his chaos if it meant he would help. And boy did he bring chaos. He had announced his side, then walked straight through the enemies town to get to their secret hidden house. He had not been stopped by anyone in the street. The new president himself had stared him down, still to no avail. Techno didn't like Schlatt. He ruled as an emperor to a corrupt system, and he is an anarchist. So overthrow the government is what he would do. No sleep until he did. He spent day and night awake, while the others slept, working on weaponry and armor. He had gotten a nice collection going by now. He would have an automatic potato farm soon, and then the real chaos would start. Schlatt won't even know what hit him. Down the government would fall, up with the rebellion of the people. They all had their skills, and were trying to each other their own ways. Wilbur was a strategist and leader, Tommy could be a sneaky son of a gun, and Techno was a skillful warrior. And like Sun Tzu said in the art of war, 'What the ancients called a skilful fighter is one who not only wins but wins with ease'. So that was what Techno did, but this cause felt more impossible than the rest. They had 4 people with Niki, against the 8 people Manberg had with them. Not counting any support from other members of the dream team. Techno was sure Dream and Sapnap would stand with George. Not like it mattered anyway, because Technoblade never dies. There would be blood for the blood god.


I did Techno's chapter pretty quickly because recently I've been getting really into his videos. Anyways, let me know what you thought of this chapter! Also I've been thinking about changing the title so give me any ideas you have. I want to put in fanart for the cover so tell me about any artists I can contact about that as well. If you like the story so far please consider following, it really means a lot to me! :)

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