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Today was the day of the festival. Decorations and games littered the ground of Manberg, and Tubbo was beyond nervous. Tommy's warning still sat in his head. 'Wilbur's gone mad'. But Wilbur had gone to see him late that night. He had still been inside his base, the only place that felt safe anymore, when Wilbur walked in from the tunnels that lead to Pogtopia. He had told him that he'd seen Tommy come from them and walked around until he understood where they lead. He said he was glad to see Tubbo, and that he had an important job for him. After this speech of his was done, he needs Tubbo to say a specific phrase. 'Let the festival begin'. And when Tubbo had asked him why, Wilbur said it was a signal, a signal to press the button that would blow the place to kingdom come. Tubbo's eyes were wide but he nodded none the less. If this was what Wilbur wanted, this was what they would do. He trusted his former president, and would do what he had to to make him president again. He wanted to tell him that he would love the speech, but kept it a secret instead. Wilbur vanished down the tunnels, and Tubbo left. But he did not sleep much after that. Morning brought a new day, and more news from Tommy and Will. They were stood outside his base as they planned, and he took them a back way to a building near the grand stand. Tommy climbed to the roof and Wilbur hesitated. He looked to Tubbo.
"When the time comes, I want you to choose if you say the words or not. It is your decision now, Tubbo" And with that he turned and began to climb. Tubbo knew what his decision was instantly. He walked up to the grand stand and took his place to the right of Schlatt. He felt small beside the new rulers. Refusing to look Schlatt's way and focused solely on the crowd. His eyes found Techno's behind the pig mask, and he felt a tiny bit safer. Techno was one of the strongest members on the server, and he fought for L'Manberg same as Tubbo. Techno would help him if he needed it. And knowing his speech, he would. Games were played, until it was time for Tubbo to speak. Tubbo blocked out the words Schlatt said until it was time to go.
".  . . My right hand man!" Schlatt finished and allowed Tubbo the spot at the microphone. He waited for the clapping to stop when he begun. He recited the script he had memorized, blabbing on about an analogy with lettuce and bugs. But now it was time for the hard part.
"And I have just one more thing to say before we can continue the festivities" He cleared his throat and started his rebellion. "I heard the was a special place." Fundy's eyes go wide. "Where men could go and emancipate, the brutality and tyranny of their rulers" Niki stands up in the back of the crowd, gently singing along with him. "Well this place is real, you needn't fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, f*ck Eret" Eret smiles and begins to softly sing the words with him. "It's a very big and not blown up L'Manberg" Tubbo refuses to look at Schlatt as he makes his alliance known. "My L'manberg, my L'Manberg, my L'Manberg, my L'Manberg" He looks up from the microphone and says quietly "Let the festival begin." He hears Schlatt laugh as concrete walls slam down around him.

What do you think? Stick around, the next chapter is coming soon. This was one of my favorite chapters to write. So what do you think? What will happen to poor Tubbo? Will Wilbur push the button? I guess you'll have to wait and see 🤫 -MJ

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