Wilbur Soot

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"He burnt it to the ground" Niki's last words struck Wilbur like a punch to the face. His thoughts glazed past her previous statement of an imposter. His own son. Burning the flag of their country. The country Wilbur had built to protect him. He couldn't speak, he couldn't even move. Wilbur thought he might throw up. His son was a traitor. Or he wasn't. Wilbur himself was the one betraying a democratically elected leader. But now was no time to go into the details. Fundy had burned down the flag. He had to see it himself. He turned to Techno.
"Take me there now," Techno nodded his head and moved to gather his things.
"Wilbur man it's not safe," Tommy tried to reason with him but Wilbur would not be stopped.
"I don't care Tommy! I need to see." Tommy looked pained for a minute before shaking his head and walking away. Then it was just him and Niki.
"I'll go with you Will I can-," He cut her off.
"I can't ask you to go back there Niki. It wouldn't be fair if me to get you out then bring you back,"
"I can't let you go alone,"
"I won't be alone, Techno is taking me, we'll be fine,"
"You're saftey isn't what I'm worried about"
"It's going to be okay Niki, we are just going to the mountains, no closer," She looked doubtful.
"You promise?" He nodded and she sighed in relief. Techno silently returned to his side and they left for their treck. Running through trees and hiking up the mountains that bordered the country. It was a path they took many times, Techno still leading him after all these trips. Wilbur did not care to memorize the terrain, unlike Techno who seemed to know every tree in the forrest. The pig mask he wore dropped low over his face, barley showing his chin. He always wore the terrifying mask, to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies he had assured them. It had bothered them at the beginning but they had gotten used to it. When they reached the top Techno looked over the ledge and his face tightened.
"Are you sure you want to see this?" Techno asked as he turned to him, and Wilbur nodded. "I need to see what my son has done" Techno nodded and took his hand to pull him up. Wilbur's eyes widened at the damage. The ground around the pole was scorched. Any grass that had made it through was burnt black. The dirt was mixed with soot and ashes. The pole was bent and broken in some places, it had fallen to the ground. There was a tiny bit of the red stripe left, the edges black. Where the pole had once stood now stood his son, pickaxe in hand as he molded a pole out of obsidian. He was building a new flag, one they could not burn down. One that meant everything they had accomplished, all they had done was no more. Wilbur began to cry.

This is gaining way more popularity than I thought it would, thank you all so much!!! Remember to follow and vote if you like the story, I've already started the next chapter so it should be up soon. It's a character I haven't done yet, so get ready for a new perspective!

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