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There were so many mobs. The woods are a dangerous place to be at night. Especially alone, and when he had run he had no time to grab armor. He had been a punching bag all night. Just before sunrise he had heard the horses. And then Tommy shouting for him. Tubbo had thought he was dreaming. But soon Techno was patching his wounds and Tommy was consoling him. He had passed out shortly after that, and woke up on a horse alone, next to a mountain. He felt much better, but he couldn't figure out where Tommy and Techno had gone. Did they leave him once they new he would live? Did they not trust him? He couldn't really blame them. He had been working for Schlatt, then he disappeared. It didn't look good for him. He heard the sound of dirt moving and turned back to the mountain. Tommy stood before him, a little cut up and bruised but mostly ok. Tubbo was so scared Tommy would be angry, would hate him for running. So much so that he was on the brink of tears. But Tommy only look him up and down and asked him, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah I-" Tubbo was cut off when and equally teary-eyed Tommy crushed him in a hug.
"I was so scared man, I thought you could've been dead!" Tommy said.
"I thought you'd hate me" Tubbo looked him in the eye, and Tommy gave him a confused look.
"Why would I hate you?"
"Because I ran"
"Your life was in danger Tubbo, no one blames you for running" Tubbo sighed with relief. Tommy gave him a wide grin. "Would you like to see Pogtopia?" Tubbo grinned and nodded back. Tommy opened the door hidden in the dirt and looked to a tiny hole, with a staircase down to a mine. Tubbo furrowed his brows. "I try not to judge" Tommy laughed at his comment and ushered him down the stairs. It didn't actually lead to a mine. It lead to a wide open ravine with cobble paths leading in every direction. Tommy showed him the potato farm, the chests, the nether portal, where the second ravine connected, and everything else. Tubbo was amazed at home they made the cold ravine feel so homey. Lanterns hung from beams and stairs were carved into the rock going to different ledges. Tommy told him that Wilbur had gone on a reconnaissance mission in L'Manberg, but Niki and Techno always hung out in the opening by the potato farm. Tubbo was so happy to see Niki safe. He had run up and hugged her when they first passed. She had told him that Techno had gotten her out quickly, she was stuck there no longer than 2 weeks after he had left. She was glad to see him safe as well. When Wilbur returned, he had to prove his alliance to them. For Schlatt had made an announcement. Of who would plan, decorate, and speak at the festival. Wilbur claimed Schlatt had said when his 'right hand man returned, he would plan and speak at the festival' Thankfully Tommy fought with him and not against him.
"Why would he run Will?" They were shouting at each other within minutes.
"To gain our trust! Don't you see we can't trust him?" Wilbur threw his hand in Tubbo's direction and Tubbo looked down in shame, "I know you want to but we just can't Tommy!"
"Even Niki thought he was discovered!"
"Schlatt knows she fights with us!"
"But he doesn't know that Tubbo does! Don't you understand what this could be?" Tommy asked his older friend. And after thinking, Wilbur did. He turned to Tubbo.
"You could be a spy" Wilbur said.
"But I was discovered." Tubbo said, eyes wide with fear at the idea of going back. His head dropped again, "And I ran"
"No" Wilbur said simply. "You were hunting for the traitors and their hideout, which you never found" Tubbo began to understand, and nodded.
"You don't have to thought man, you could stay here if you don't want to" Tommy said when he recognized the fear he felt in Tubbo's eyes. But Tubbo shook his head.
"I need to do this Tommy" Tommy looked skeptical but nodded. Tubbo decided that he would not let his best friend down again. He was going back to Manberg.

We are almost to the festival! And Tommy and Tubbo are together! I love the friendship they have. Anyways hope you liked this chapter, remember to follow and vote for it, it really means a lot (and you can always unfollow 😂) ok I'm done now bye -MJ

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