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L'Manberg had truly fallen. His father had been exiled. His friends despised him. That country was in peices. But he truly believed he had taken the right path. Schlatt had the potential to be a great leader. He could be harsh but he pushed more change than his father ever had. At the beginning he was going to try and gather information to feed Will but he started to see the change Schlatt pushed. He wanted Manberg to be great, and Fundy wanted to see it. So he abandoned the ideals of Wilbur's world. He's always hated the no weapons or armor rules. They were ridiculous! He need those things to provide safety. Now he could have them. He had burnt the flag of L'Manberg to the ground. Now he built a new, better flag. Where there had been colors there was now rock. He had kept the same pattern though, Schlatt had liked the pattern so he left it on the new flag. He thought it looked rather nice. It was a flex of power, to have a flag made of solid obsidian. Schlatt was proud of him, it felt great. He still chose Tubbo bro be his right hand man, but Fundy was his Royal Bishop. With him until the end. And he would be. Even if Fundy was just in charge of game and unimportant stuff for Schlatt's festival. Fundy had winced when Schlatt had called his father a dictator, but if he had said it then it must be true. He chose belief, so he wouldn't doubt Schlatt. The festival would be a great celebration, and he couldn't wait to show Schlatt that he was worthy. L'Manberg might have fallen, but Manberg would rise from the ashes.
Sorry for the suuuuuper short chapter guys!!! I didn't really know what to write for Fundy :/ Anyways THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS I LOVE YOU ALL -Mj

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