On the Placebo(at)

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The yeonbin couple was back to their apartment with Taehyun and Beomgyu in tow. Both of them got busy with their schedule after a week vacation. Few months passed and Yeonjun slowly became more tired and moody. Little works tired and stressed him out. Soobin was worried and suggested him to take leave from his work which Yeonjun agreed to without an protest.

Today Yeonjun was feeling great and happy again after an week of nausea. Even his favorite food made him vomit his guts out. It totally pissed him. Today he could eat his favorite dish again. He shrugged the past week of sickness as stomach bug or indigestion.

Jimin was visiting him at his apartment. As he knew about Yeonjun's condition from his brother he was more than happy to take care of Yeonjun at his brother's absence. Not that yoongi was out of town for an urgent work and he felt lonely totally not.

"You sure don't want this?" Jimin asked as he showed Yeonjun some of his chocolate crepe cake. Yeonjun the known foodie never rejected any food offered to him.

"Nah...This is more delicious" Yeonjun said as a matter of fact as he went back on eating fried shrimps dipped in chocolate. Jimin turned his face away as Yeonjun took another bite of his delicious food.

"Yeonjun are you pregnant?" Jimin asked doing his best to control himself puking infront of his chocolate crepe cake.

It's been five hours since he arrived. He played with his nephews for a while and chatted with Yeonjun about Soobin's upcoming schedule and some tips on dating. They had a good meal with edible food. After while tucked both Taehyun and Beomgyu who was tired with playing non stop.

It was about three or something so both of decided to have some snacks before waking the kids. Jimin went out to buy some dessert from cafe few blocks away and Yeonjun stayed to cook something for himself as he was not in mood to eat sweet.

"Huh?" Yeonjun was confused. Jimin just asked him if he was pregnant out of blue. How should he react to that? Everyone in the family knew he was on birth control and didn't want to have more kids.

"You know, you're nauseous first thing in the morning, you're getting picky while.........

Yeonjun eyes went wide as he remembers the things happened in the past months. Nauseous, cravings, sudden weight gain, mood swings. He slowly caught on the things happened after that particular night at Kim mansion. It's not been more than three months since they came back. But how??

"Jun...Yeonjun....Yeonjun!!" He was pulled back from his trance and was faced with a worried Jimin. He looked down at his hands which was holding an half eaten fried shrimp dipped in chocolate. He jerked his hands to throw it away.

Jimin didn't expect Yeonjun to throw that disgusting food at his face. Even before he could duck out the shrimp dipped in chocolate landed on his favorite sweat shirt, it was a gift from Yoongi. But now it's not his first priority, he had to calm down Yeonjun who was visibly panicking. Picking an tissue to clean his shirt he move around the table to sit beside Yeonjun.

"But how!?" Yeonjun shot up from his seat. His move was sudden which resulted his fist to have a high-five with Jimin's lower jaw.

"Ah..sorry" He said as he sat beside jimin checking the spot where he got hit.

Jimin held down his hand as he looked into Yeonjun's eyes and said. "Calm down...we are not sure yet"

The reply seemed to help Yeonjun calm a bit. Yeonjun just sighed

"It could be an Placebo effect" Jimin said matter of fact.

Before Yeonjun could question him any more he heard soft footsteps toward them. He turned to see little blonde blob behind the table barely showing the movements. Moments later he could hear little giggles. He moved to other side and found the little blob happily eating chocolate from the bowl which he used to dip shrimps in.

The thought of it seems to haunt Yeonjun as he made his way to the happy blonde. He picked him up, the boy happily giggled after gaining his parent's attention.

"You thief....this is not for you" Yeonjun said as he pulled the bowl out of toddler's hand. He turned to wall clock to notice it was almost five.

"Yeonjunie pabo" the boy accused as he pointed his little chubby figure at Yeonjun's face.

Yeonjun shook his head with sigh while jimin brust into fit of laughter.

"Beomgyu that's not nice to say" Yeonjun was satisfied when Beomgyu nodded his hand with much understanding for an two-year old.

"Pabo...pabo...pabo" But Beomgyu seem to have fun calling Yeonjun pabo which he is(not) who knows.

It's all Soobin's fault, if he hadn't call him pabo for a small mistake he made. Beomgyu would never know the word. (The real truth is because Yeonjun can't curse infront of kids he opted to call himself pabo at every mistake he made) But no one needs to know from where Beomgyu learnt the word.

After calming himself down from the laughing fit. Jimin remembered that he promised hoseok to meet for a friendly dance battle. He picked up his bag in hurry and bid his goodbye because a mad hobi is nightmare.

"Are you pregnant?" The words repeated like broken tape. Yeonjun was daze untill he was shaken from cries coming from the room beside their master bedroom.

He picked some wet wipes from counter top and cleaned Boemgyu's face while making his way to the baby crying his lungs out. He settled Beomgyu down while picking the baby and let him rest his head on his shoulder.

"Did you have an nightmare hyunie?" Yeonjun asked while rocking the baby taking an glace at toddler who was sitting on the carpeted floor while playing with toys cars.

"Let's feed you" Yeonjun said after Taehyun stopped sobbing. He called Beomgyu to join.

He gave some pudding to Beomgyu who happily enjoyed the snack handed to him. Yeonjun sat across the toddler with Taehyun in his arms. He placed the bottle nip between baby's lips who slowly sucked on it.

Yeonjun looked down at the baby contentedly drinking the warm milk from the bottle. Taehyun was rather skinny from the babies of his age. Soon he would be year old. Taehyun's pregnancy took a toll on Yeonjun. They almost lost him because of early birth. That's the reason both Yeonjun and Soobin decided not have kids.

It was better to play safe.

But if Yeonjun was really pregnant, even he himself don't know which way they will chose.

Should he wait for Soobin or go to hospital alone?

The chapter would relate to each other until Hyuka is born. After that would be oneshots.

Stay tuned,

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