Baby Drove us Crazy

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"I don't understand why are you angry like this?"

I shouted at him once we were seated in our car with Beomgyu and Taehyun strapped in their baby seats. With me on the passenger seat, Soobin was the one who gonna drive us home.

After Āyí asked question Soobin just turned a new leaf. He got angry at no reason and stormed out from there not before bidding farewell. I bowed several times before catching up to him with Taehyun in my arms.

Usually it would me who would get easily angry at the smallest thing but what did I do to offend him so much that he wouldn't even look at me and keep glaring in air.

Maybe I really did something to offend him? Was it because I don't let him eat his favorite bread? But ice-cream is his favorite now? Or is it because of my-

"You lied to me!"

Wait what? When did I?

And of course this was showing on my face because even before I ask him he glared at me hard which made me to shut my mouth.

Quick note- He can be scary when he is mad!.

It was the first time ever our ride home was so quiet. Me and Soobin are type of people who don't like silence much and awkward silence we better not talk about it. As talkative person I couldn't bear silence anymore and asked him again why was he angry.

And folks was I wrong to question?

Hell yeah because the ticking bomb finally exploded.

"Don't try to be innocent Yeonjun, I know what you did. And I am clearly not fine with it!!"

Okay he could have lower down his voice a bit. Kids are sleeping. What if he woke them up. It would be pain in back to lull them back to sleep. And I am trying to be innocent? FYI I am innocent! I don't know a thing going inside your head Mr. Soobin. And I think you don't care to explain your unreasonable anger to me. Where is my sweet and caring Soobin? Who would never get angry at me and bring me my favorite ice-cream. This is not what I signed for on my wedding day.

Don't look at me like that! My hormones are the one speaking not me!

"I could say the same to you Soobin, you seem to know everything. Care to enlighten me with your knowledge?" I crossed my arms as I leaned toward him with my left eye twitching.

Okay I have irritated him perfectly. You ask me how? He stepped harshly on the breaks stopping the car in middle of the road. Thank God there was no car in sight. Or else wait! Why do I feel that I am going off topic every time I try to think about the reason why Soobin is angry. Okay I need to practice how to concentrate.

What is the best way to concentrate?

"You!" Soobin glared at me with his index finger pointing at my nose. What did I do again?

I think Soobin heard me as he started to spew word out of his mouth. Ok that didn't sound right? Did it?

"Stop spacing out! Yeonjun. What is wrong with me you ask? I want to tell you that everything is wrong not only with me but with the whole situation! You don't find it weird?" He asked looking at me as he waited for me to answer.

I need to speak. Don't screw it up Yeonjun! Fighting!

"I..... it's.....I don't know." Yeah that's it I don't know. You did a great job Yeonjun. Keep it up.

Oh, how wrong I was. Soobin sighed which almost looked like he whimpered as why he had to keep up with someone like me.

"Yeonjun you're not stupid. We live in time where same-sex relationship are normal but male pregnancy? You do know that know a male can get pregnant with two things only. First a man who fucks him. Second pregnancy pills! I hate it that I have to explain this to you" the last sentence was meant to be whisper but I heard him anyways.

Indeed he is right. Mpreg needs only two steps.1- Sex, 2- Pills. But why he is telling me that. To tell you I did amazing in biology okay? You don't need to explain me that. And do he even know how twisted a male pregnancy could be? See he is the one who is talking who can't even stay in room with a patient. Well that was unrelated.

"You really are stupid" he said shaking his head. Well everyone is stupid at times right? There always a time where you're proven world's biggest idoit. But I don't see how is it related me being stupid.

"Yeonjun did you forget that you're a male?" He asked uneasily. Why?

I am 100% pure male. A male who is pregnant with his third baby.



Oh my God. I am pregnant! Yes we did have sex but I don't remember taking pills. If you're wondering what pills? Then pregnancy pills are what I am talking about. Shit! I understand now why he is angry. I am on birth control.

Is it too late now?

I think Soobin knows that finally I connected dots because I am convinced that he is finding the best words inside his head to wake me up from my stupidity.

"Not only that Yeonjun. You and Mom joined allies. Mom called me this morning asking me about having kids. And surprisingly when I comes home my spouse who is on birth control is in doubt that he is pregnant. Wow did you think I am stupid? It was all your and mom's plan right?"

"Yeah right"

Oh no, even before I could digest what he said the wrong words slipped out of my mouth.

Why does it take me so long to update?😭😣😔.


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