Let's Sign a Argument

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"Yeah right"

Even before I can digest what did he said the words just slip out of my mouth.

God really hate me!

After the words were spoken he looked at me for good five minutes before he started driving again. I tried to open my mouth to defend myself a bit even it's late now. But he just shut up me again by his annoying stupid glare.

Fine, if you don't want me to talk then I won't.

After we reached home. Soobin parked the car in the garage. I stepped down from the car and I first went to unstrap Taehyun as Beomgyu was already in Soobin's arm. Both of my babies were sleeping peacefully. Oh how cute!

The whole neighborhood is asleep except us. We slowly parded in our home to not to wake the kids up and have them shrieking and crying on top of their lungs. That's definitely not what I want.

Once we tucked both Taehyun and Beomgyu, we went back to our room to freshen up a bit before we sit down to argue some more. I went down to kitchen to grab a glass of water for me and Soobin. When I went back in the room Soobin was already changed into his nightwear. I handed him the glass and entered the bathroom to get freshen up myself.

I looked at my face in the mirror which was awful. Oh God, I have dark circles under my eyes, my lips are chapped and I have break outs too. Oh just kill me. I just washed my face with a oil-free face wash and dumped some moisturizer on my face and applied a bit of lip balm. I can take care of my skin tommorow.

Once I was out of the bathroom Soobin was nowhere to be seen. Where did he went? Before I could get out of our room to check on him I could hear his voice from the other room.

Is he taking a call? At this hour? It's almost two in the morning. Who could be it?

I changed into my favorite nightwear and jumped on the bed to get a nap. The argument you say? We can continue tommorow. I don't have any energy to even glare at him. What? Our misunderstanding will get big? No he has day off tomorrow. It's not like that he gonna run away to his parents. If he did I would be the one his parents would call first.

Even before I could close my eyes my phone blared with a red light and emergency siren. For a second I was so scared that I would had a heart attack. That brat. I would not give my phone to Beomgyu again. Can anyone remind me how old he is? 2 right? How the heck he knows to change my settings?

Before I could dwell on it more my phone blared again. I didn't even glanced on the Id before accepting the call. Whoever called at this hour is done for. I will show him or her my wrath.

"Yeonjun take your man back!" My anger was mellowed down when a familiar voice yelled at me. I moved my phone away from my ear.

I didn't need this.

"Hyung why?" I whined. I need my beauty sleep to be beautiful again tommorow. I can't show this hideous face to world.

"I should be the one to cry"

"Why? What happened?"

"Why? You ask?"

Why do I seem to offend every person I talk.

"Go ask your husband!"

"Hyung if this is his fault why don't you talk to him yourself" I am not his personal assistant. Okay? That is Arin. You can talk to her. Obviously I didn't said that to hyung.

And I am not jealous of her. I swear!

"Your husband and my brother is ranting to my boyfriend how his spouse manipulated him with his mother"

Well that's a nice story plot. It's ironic tho. Don't know why? But why is hyung telling me this? How is it it related to disturbing my sleep.

"So?" I asked with annoyance evident in my voice. I don't care if takes it to heart. But I need my sleep before Taehyun wakes up screaming for me.

"So it's nothing I just wanted to warn you because your husband is ranting how you tricked him" I could feel  Jimin hyung rolling his eyes as if he was staying most basic thing.

Well it is, Soobin is ranting- what? He is ranting about me. The audacity of this man to rant about the most beautiful man present on the world.

I could literally feel my hormones spiking up as they get themselves ready to explode the minute they spot the culprit of my wrath.

I hung up the phone. I could make up to him tommorow. But right now I need to punish someone. I stomped like a five year old kid to the living room to see my husband talking on phone much like ranting on the couch where we cuddle yesterday.

I snatched the phone from his hand before screaming into the phone to not call again. I bet Yoongi hyung must be shocked as from where did this inhuman yell was from! As I said I can make it up to Yoonmin couple tommorow.

"It's all your fault" I yelled throwing anything I could i find at his face which happened to be my medical reports.

"But your the one who ate the wrong pill" he said glaring at me.

"But your the one who impregnated me" no matter how absurd it sound it's the truth.

"So What!? Do you want to abort it?" He yelled. Never in the world I thought Soobin would tell me this and yell at me. Blame it to hormones. But it's making me cry.

"No..." It was barely above whisper. But I think Soobin heard me as I could see tear brimming his eyes as he pulled me in his embrace.

"Me too..." He whispered causing me too break down on him. After good fifteen minutes my sobs were reduced to hiccups.

"I think we need to clear many things. But one thing I am sure is that you didn't lie to me. Yoongi hyung told me everything. I am sorry for being angry at you for no reason" he said with a pout constantly resting on his face. Folks my Soobinie is back.

"Forgiven" I muttered as I pecked him on his lips.

"What? You're not going to apologize" he asked. I giggled as I hid my face on his chest and shook my head. He laughed at my silliness.

Goodnight for now.


The proluge finally came. Sorry I didn't stick to main plot but I think it's  more nice than previous one.

Second update of the day. And I am turning this into another style of story.

Which is like journal of Yeonbin couple.


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