A New Member Recommendation

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"I had to go, because I knew that staying would have been even more painful..."

Dazai gave me a tour around the rest of the building while I was thinking to myself.

If he had remained in the Port Mafia, would he have grown into this young man? He seems happier here, & he's met so many nice people who seem to care about him in their own way... I feel like we wouldn't have given him this over there... I'm just glad he didn't lose himself in the process. He deserves the world, something I wish I could give him...

"Hey y/n, you ok? You seem lost in your thoughts." Dazai asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts & replied, "Yeah I'm okay, just trying to process everything that's happened within the last 3 hours." He looked at me like he wasn't convinced, but didn't say anything.

We went back to the lounge to talk to everyone again. When we entered, there was a man I hadn't seen before sitting on one of the couches, drinking tea. He opened his eyes & looked at Dazai.

"Ah, Dazai you're here. Did you complete the mission you were assigned?' he asked, but then looked at me.

"Oh, hello, may I ask who you are?" he asked. I was about to respond, but Dazai cut me off.

"Mr. President, this is y/n l/n, someone I want to recommend to join the agency.

I didn't even realize what he said at first, but when I processed it, I looked at Dazai with wide eyes.

"Dazai, what the hell do you mean?!" I asked, in a confused tone. I looked at the man, his hair was grey & he was wearing a dark green yukata with a black coat on top, & brown geta's.

"Dazai, this is very sudden, are you sure?"

Dazai just looked at him & smiled.

"Well, your judgement is never wrong..." the man said. He looked at me and asked, "Tell me, what's your definition of good?"

I stared into his eyes, not knowing what to do at first, but then began to answer his question.

"There's really not a definition accurate enough to define the word good, it's just what you show by actions and words, and also what you yourself think about it."

"The room fell silent as all eyes set on me. I stood there, wondering why I had to answer such a question.

"That's something Dazai would respond with, you two seem alike in a form of way. How long have you guys known for each other?" the man asked, looking at Dazai & I.

"Quite a long time..." I responded, looking to the side of me.

"Alright, Dazai you & I will discuss this later, I have a meeting to attend to. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Yukichi Fukuzawa, the President of the Armed Detective Agency, it was nice meeting y/n." the President said, & went ahead to his meeting.

I let the words process for a bit, & then realized that he's the head of the Intelligence Agency.  No wonder I felt a type of leadership vibe coming from him. I looked at Dazai in frustration.

"Dazai, do you mind explaining to me what you're trying to do?" I said, in an annoyed tone.

He looked at me, before saying "Let's talk about this at the cafe, let's go." He pulled my arm towards the elevator & before I knew it we were heading towards the shops.

I didn't even want to talk, I was thinking about what to do. Dazai wants me to join the Agency? What the hell, we just reunited, why is he doing this. I had a strange feeling about going there, & of course I was right. Knowing Dazai, this was probably his idea, bringing me to the Agency so I can meet everyone just because he wants me to join. I sighed in frustration, and looked at the sky. What am I going to do now...

Another chapter for you guys, thank you for the support on this, it's really motivating me to finish editing the whole story! Like I've said before, school is stressing me out so sorry if I don't post daily >~<

I hope you enjoyed! :)


A Pitiful Love Story (Dazai X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu