The Cafe

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Time: 5 years ago

Location: The Port Mafia

All the memories I had cherished had been taken from me. All I know is how long I've been working at the Port Mafia. It was like I was an empty shell, just walking around like an emotionless machine, only listening to orders that were given to me. I wouldn't bother to communicate with anyone, even when my so-called comrades would try to talk to me. That all changed once I met him....

We had been walking for about ten minutes in complete silence. I lifted my gaze towards Dazai, hoping he wouldn't catch me looking at him. It looked like he was thinking hard, I wonder what...

I saw his eyes avert towards mine & I looked away quickly. I heard him laugh quietly as we reached the cafe. I hesitantly walked in, knowing damn well how this was going to bring thousands of memories back.

Nothing had changed in there, everything was intact, as if no one had touched anything in years. Dazai walked towards the register to order for us.

"I'll take the vanilla latte, & she'll take a cup of green tea with extra honey."

Aha, he still remembers my usual...

I walked towards the spot I used to pick to sit in all those years ago. I delicately touched the surface of the small, round table as if it would've broken at the mere touch of my fingers. We sat there silently waiting for our drinks until Dazai decided to break it.

"So y/n, would you consider joining the Agency?"

I looked at him with disbelief & laughed. "Dazai, you're ridiculous you know... What makes you think I would accept to join immediately? Actually, what makes you think I'd even join?!"

He looked at me & sighed.

"I knew it wouldn't be so easy to convince you."

"Why do you even want me to join?..." I quietly asked.

I felt his gaze on me as I stared at my cup.

"Don't you want to start fresh somewhere new? I know you feel as if you don't deserve to know... but I know you have the longing feeling inside you. The one where you want to go to the light, the good side. Joining the Agency could help you, please I just want to see you happy."

I looked up & stared him right in the eyes. Me, being happy? What a funny thought. I don't deserve to be happy, not after what I've done in the past.

"Dazai... I don't know if this is a good idea..."

"You don't have to give an answer right away. Take your time, I'll wait for you."

He reached out towards my hand & grasped it lightly. I gave him a sad smile, & finished my tea. We moved onto different subjects. There was a lot we had to catch up on, & we rambled on & on without a care in the world.

Before we knew it, it was time for the cafe to close. We exited out onto the sort of crowded streets. People always seem to be more lively at night, & I was most definitely one of those people.

"Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to go?" Dazai asked, taking his phone out to check the time.

"Not really."

"Okay then, let's go lay beside a tree & look at the stars."

He pulled my arm towards the park before I could even react. He pulled me towards a decent sized tree & laid on it. I hesitantly looked at him, & he pulled me down towards him. He wrapped his arms around me & caressed me under the beautiful night sky. There were streaks of purple that filled the night sky, & thousands of bright stars. I hadn't seen the sky like this in a while, I was mesmerized by it.

I looked up towards Dazai, & he looked down at me.

"Y/n, I still love you."

My eyes widened, and a small smile crept on my face as i quietly responded.

"I still love you as well..."

I felt my eyes slowly get heavy, & before I knew it, I had fallen asleep on Dazai's chest.

enjoy this very short chapter,I'll post soon so hope you enjoyed :)

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