Hurt and Comfort (VMinKook)

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a/n: so you could say this is a piece offering. my writing style has changed dramatically so it's nothing like the previous chapter. this one will be pretty long so hopefully you'll like it. stay tuned to more notes at the bottom. enjoy <3       (4k words)

The previous weeks had been extremely taxing on the boys. The upcoming schedules and new dance routines had taken up all of their free time and their sleep schedules were once again, nonexistent. The long hours of the day and stress of it all had really been getting to Taehyung... his usually calm and collected self had been slowly degrading over the week and he was now reduced to a time ticking bomb that could explode any minute now.

Jimin and Jungkook had been watching him all week. They noticed that he was always one or two steps behind on the choreography and during vocal lessons his voice would crack more often then normal. Even back at the dorms he would throw his shoes off as soon as they got inside and retreat to his room and lock it for the rest of the night. The two would sit on the couch and occasionally look to the closed door worrying over their bandmate wondering if now was a good time to try and strike up a conversation to see if he was okay.

"I've never seen him like this Jungkook... he always wants to choose the movie we watch, and he always chooses the Notebook," Jimin sighs while leaning back against the couch and folds one leg over the other, "I hate to admit it, but I miss seeing the movie now."

"Yeah... I definitely don't miss the movie but I miss Taehyung... I haven't seen him smile in so long. He won't even talk to me hyung. I tried earlier this week and he just brushed it off and patted my shoulder and left. He didn't even look me in the eye..." Jungkook added, bringing his lip between his teeth as he does when he worries.

The two sat there in silence for awhile, listening to the background noise of the tv, not even watching what was playing. It wasn't until Jimin broke the silence with a loud sigh, rising to his feet and trodding over to Taehyung's door. He looks back at Jungkook and raises his shoulders before dropping them again as he knocks a few times.


He knocks a few more times before he decides to speak.

"Taehyung I know you're in there. Please come out... I'm worried about you," Jimin says quietly.

Once again there is silence and Jimin rests his forehead against the door and sighs once again. "It's no use... he won't listen."

Jungkook shakes his head and places both hands on his knees and pushes up from the couch, strutting over to his friend's door and banging his fist on the door.

"Taehyung I swear you better open this door right now or I will kick it down. Your friends are out here trying to help and you are being extremely selfish right now. Open this fucking door," Jungkook raises his voice rather loudly, Jimin him a wide-eyed look at the sudden erupt from the younger.

"hey I don't think that's gonna-"

The older is interrupted by the creaking of the door opening, and a horrible stench following.

The two immediately cover their noses and back away from the room with wide eyes.

"Taehyung..." Jimin says softly, his hand falling from his face and reaching towards the other.

Taehyung was standing there with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, barely hanging on. He had tears streaming down his eyes, trying his best to keep wiping them away as they came down. He sniffled a few times and looked up at them properly.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said. His voice was scratchy and it quivered with each word, more tears leaking from his eyes as he bowed his head and they fell onto the floor.

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