Drunk Shenanigans (Jikook)

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a/n: so this was a request from a very very very long time ago. It's gonna be just a tad bit different from what you're used to but I love the prompt. sorry it's taken so long, I think I died and resurrected from finals. always, lowercase intended... I'm lazy. (3.8k)


as we all know, saturdays are for the boys. video games with beer cans stacked so high no one could see over. of course it was hoseok's idea to create a wall with the cans by glueing them together and pushing it against the wall because it was a great substitute for wallpaper that no one ever cared to buy. living in an apartment with seven men was a challenge in itself. No one wanted to do the dishes or the laundry, even making food besides microwavable ramen seemed to be nearly impossible (seokjin would refuse some nights to cook for the boys). Privacy was out of the question, everyone shared a room with at least one other person, it was all they could afford at the time. They all had been in university, except for yoongi and seokjin who had graduated awhile ago but were struggling to pay off their student debt when they had bought the apartment. Even now with jungkook being the only person to still be attending university to the current day, they never even bothered to get a new place. The stains on the walls were starting to smell really badly and even growing larger, but jimin claimed it was just creative decoration for the apparent plain walls. it was their home and its safe to say they made it their own. 

so when saturday rolled around and taehyung nearly kicked the door in because his hands were full of newly bought beer and couldn't reach the key in his pocket, they all knew it was time to settle down. it was cold outside, winter had finally started to kick in, namjoon turning the thermostat up to unimaginable temperatures but did nothing because it was broken so jimin finally surrendered his very personal collection of blankets to the boys. it was a routine, grab two cans of beer and grab a bowl of snacks and sit around the coffee table to watch the american football game on tv. their favorite team was playing their rivals ( yoongi would never vocally admit that he liked the rivaling team better) and luckily during the entire time, they only received three noise complaints. 

before half time, the twelve pack of beer was already gone and half of the next stack had magically gone missing as well. it was an extremely close game and seokjin nearly threw the remote at the tv one too many times when the receivers kept failing to catch the ball. its not that hard to catch the fucking pigskin-- you catch it and run! I could do that in my sleep!' had been his argument for the fifth dropped ball. 

with the last quarter of the game, jimin had disappeared into the kitchen to bring out his very lovely (and giant) bottle of vodka that he said he needed for emotional support. taehyung had finally finished painting his face the colors of the team and had smeared his hands all over namjoon's arm without him noticing miraculously.

 after the game was finish, their team very narrowly catching the win, all the beer had been drunk and half the bottle of vodka had been finished. yoongi had to carry taehyung up the stairs because the poor boy couldn't walk properly and after he feel down the stairs last time, no one trusted him no matter how much he tried to convince them he wasn't that drunk. it was past twelve thirty when everyone had decided to go to bed, knowing they all would have to nurse their hangovers in the morning and weren't looking forward to that. jimin being the heavy weight he is, took it upon himself to try and clear up the snack table so they wouldn't have to in the morning. jungkook was still lying on the couch, one foot up on the table with his head resting against the back on the couch. 

"put your foot down," jimin scolded him, clearing the spilt chips off the table and taking the bowl to put into the kitchen. 

"why should I?" jungkook responded, but nonetheless removed his foot and it landed with a heavy thud. 

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