Part five: Followed

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Panic strikes your heart. Its him isn't jt, you think to yourself. You look into the rear view mirror and look behind you. The glare of the Night lamps blocks the view into the windshield. "I'm going to try and lose whoever this is" Jack states "Can you see into the car?" You quickly respond with a shake of your head. "Fuck, I don't know who this guy is, but lets make sure we're not overreacting." He turns left. The car follows. He turns right. The car speeds up. The car passes and cuts in front. "Maybe we are ove-" He's cut off by the sound of breaks. He brakes as fast as he can and someone steps out of the car in front. Surprise, surprise, its Riley. He seems to have no weapons, but he's a buff dude. "Get out the car." He states firmly, pointing at you. "Now". Jack says to you "You have your seatbelt on right?" You nod and tighten it. He clicks on his, puts the car in reverse, and drives. Riley starts to chase. Jack says "watch this" and brakes while Riley is still running. Riley gets winded by the car, and Jack drives around him. "bye bitch" he says, rolling down the window and spitting on him. You can't help but giggle at the sight. Jack speeds up and now you're back on route. He circles around his place to make sure he wasn't followed, and parks his car on a different block. You stumble out the car, and start to follow Jack. "This m-means a lot j-Jack. M-my Girlf-friend dumped me e-earlier t-today, for s-someone else, and I h-have nowhere t-to go." It hurts to say those words. You loved her. Jack looks at you with pity. "Listen man, I know how that feels, its gonna get better. You can stay with me for a bit. Until you have a place to go. Give me your number." You trade numbers with Jack and finally reach his house. He helps you up the stairs and he unlocks the door. "Well, in you go." You walk into his place and he shows you around. "This is the bathroom, over there is my recording studio" You look at him with surprise. "What d-do you record?" He glances at you, "I'm a YouTuber, I'm a bit famous haha." You respond with "Woah, how famous are we talking here?" Ha laughs, "a couple million followers, what do you do for a living?" You try to remember and it clicks a few seconds later, "Oh, I work at a coffee shop. I'm a server." Jack says "oh, that sounds fun." You look at him dumbfounded, "It uh... Could be better... Who the fuck am I kidding, I hate my job. I just need the money." Jack pats your shoulder, "it's alright bud, things will get better soon." You put your hand on his while it's on your shoulder. "Thanks Jack. Again, thanks for letting me stay." Jack says "it's really no problem."

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