Your POV

It's so... Dark. Everywhere I look... I see nothing but black. I can't move. There's no sound. Just complete silence.

I wake up.

Mark is dead. Stabbed. One bullet through his forehead. I try to scream. No sound. I look around. I see him. From that day. Riley.

Finally, I can say something.

"B-but why?"

Nothing. No response.

"Answer me... Please... Just why..."

Three words.

"It's your fault."

I swiftly sit up in bed, gasping and panting vigorously. Mark isn't next to me.

What the fuck...

Mark peeks through the doorframe of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth. He muffles "Hey uh... You good?"

"N-no Mark... I thought y-you were k-killed..."

Tears sting my eyes as I manage to stutter that out.

Mark quickly washes his face to rid of the leftover toothpaste on his mouth and swiftly walks over to me.

He lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his torso. He hugs me tightly and I reciprocate. I feel so... Small around him...

I love him... So much...

"Do you want to talk about it...?" He asks, innocently.

I couldn't handle it anymore. The vivid image of Mark's dead, mutilated body. The culprit, blaming me. The uselessness I felt. The sheer terror of what was going to happen next.

I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I hug Mark tighter, never wanting to let go. "I th-thought it was r-real... I thought t-that you were... D-dead... Killed. I saw you laying next to me... S-stabbed a-and sh-sh-shot. I didn't know what else was happening. B-but the person who did it... He said...  He said that it was my fault.

And that was it. The dam holding back all my tears and emotions had collapsed. I start sobbing into Mark's shoulder. I felt so... Embarrassed, pathetic. But comforted that Mark is... With me. Supporting me.

Loving me.

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