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This is for thoughts

This is for sign language

Inko stood stock still, frozen. "Sir could you repeat that?" She had a wide fake smile plastered on her face expecting a different answer than what she just heard.

" I'm sorry ma'am but your son is quirkless." the doctor looked and the mother and her child with pity. The mother looked shocked and angry while the son stared at the doctor in disbelief.

"This has to be a mistake!" Inko giggled nervously

" I'm afraid not miss" the doctor glanced over at the child who was now sitting on the examining table silently looking at the floor " Your son has a 2nd joint in his smallest toe, a trait only quirkless people have.". The doctor showed the mother an x-ray of the boy's foot.

"..." Inko was silent and the air in the room crackled with tension. "Thank you for your time sir but I think my son and I should leave" Inko grabbed her son's arm tightly and walked out the door. Ignoring the stares from the other parents, she quickly pushed Izuku into the backseat of her car and got into the car herself, inserting her key into the ignition. For a few minutes both of them, Mother and Son sat in silence.

What did I do to deserve this. Inko hands gripped the steering wheel her knuckles almost white. I followed the Lord's instructions I never stepped out of line and this is the result of my worship.
I snapped out of my trance and glared at the small 4 year old boy in the backseat of my car "Don't speak." Inko spat at him hatred coating every word, the small child shrunk back from the harsh words and for the rest of the ride back to the house they both sat in silence one in anger the other in fear. She pulled into the driveway, parking the car and getting out of the car dragging her son behind her.
"Ow mommy please stop it hurts" Izuku looked up and pleaded at his mother to let go. Inko looked at my son with disgust and let go of him "Go to your room and don't come out unless I say otherwise" The young boy stared up at me for a second.  Inko felt her face turn red with fury. She despised that thing that claimed to be my son and struck him across the face. Izuku stumbled back with tears in his eyes and dashed to his room, curling up on his bed and letting tears stream out of his eyes. What did I do? After a few minutes of crying Deku calmed down taking a deep breath in. He heard footsteps leading up to his room and his door swung open and his mother stepped into his room with a calm expression on her face she held a long knife that had a black cross as the hilt she slowly started walking toward Deku. Izuku stumbled back in fear. "Stay still honey let me help you repent of your sins" a small smile graced Inko's lips.

So anyway thank you random person reading this please put any mistakes you see in the comments. This is all entertainment so please don't take this seriously. I think the next chapter will be the last filler of Deku in this house before we get to more interesting stuff I will probably upload once a week if I evade life long enough to do so.

Well then guys, gals, and non-binary pals I bit you adeiu


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