Chapter 4

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Kyōki was sitting on the roof of an apartment complex waiting for the drug deal that he had found out about to happen. The sound of shuffling steps drew his attention to the alleyway below him. A woman walked into the alleyway with a laid back attitude, she pulled out her phone and started typing when Kyōki noticed a flash of metal on her hip, a small pocket knife. Alright she has a weapon on her, He breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing I can't handle. The sound of footsteps entered the alleyway. Ah Goddamit. He mentally facepalmed when he saw who entered the alley.

"Your here, finally." the woman chuckled.

"Oh shut it Sakura you should be glad I came." A man who Kyōki was unfortunately familiar with scoffed.

"Just gimme the drugs and we can both leave."

"Alright, alright gimme a sec."  He slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small baggie filled with white powder, right before he handed it to the girl a blade came whistling out of the dark, piercing the bag and pinning it to the opposite wall. The girl grabbed her knife but stayed in the same spot while the boy cursed and looked at the ground.

Kyōki swung to the ground and pulled the drugs off his blade. In a sudden motion Kyōki hit the side of the girl's neck where a pressure point was leaving her to crumble to the floor, knocked out cold. Kyōki pulled a crumpled piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket. he quickly scribbled something on the paper and threw it at Rin. 

This is the third time this week I caught you trying to sell drugs, I know your mom is sick and you need income but if I catch you again I'm going to turn you in.

Rin scanned the paper quickly and gritted his teeth

"I know I know is getting worse and to keep her in the hospital I need to pay."

Kyōki snatched the paper out of Rin's grasp and wrote something down again.

You are insanely good at math and science why don't you get a job doing that? You would get more money too.

Rin blanched Why hadn't I thought of that?!  A wide smile spread across his face "Thanks Kyōki!" the boy ran out of the alley, accidentally dropping the paper.
Kyōki stared at Rin for a second and then directed his attention to the girl on the floor. Let's get this over with. He picked her up and made his way to the police station. Tying her to the door and leaving a note next to her. He headed back to the warehouse.


Aizawa sat at a table with several other heroes. Endeavor, Allmight, Midnight and lastly Nezu, who was contently sitting on a stack of books sipping a cup of tea.

Nezu set down his tea and turned his attention to the heroes sitting in front of him. "We are here to discus a vigilante who goes by the name of Kyōki does anyone have any information on them?" Nezu looked around the room and saw Eraserhead start to talk, "I have ran into that vigilante once." Everyone's head snapped toward the sleep-deprived hero and Nezu cackled

"Well Eraserhead, what do you know?"

meh guys, gals, and non-binary pals I bid you adieu


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