Chapter 2

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Deku's main concern was where he would sleep, as he walk through the streets he quickly realized that he had stumbled into the bad part of town. Every 2 blocks or so crime would be committed. While he was walking he found an old abandoned warehouse that would be safe enough to sleep in at least for tonight. Just as he was about to go inside his head snapped up as he heard a scream coming from an alleyway down the street.


Shit what should I do?! Another scream pierced the air. Agh Fuck it. In a split second he dashed towards the noise to see a young boy being backed into a corner in an alleyway by an older man.

" Now, Now, why are you screaming?" the man chuckled "I just want to play a game."

Deku gritted his teeth and flicked open his pocketknife. Fuck I'm severely outnumbered here and I don't want to use my quirk. He took a deep breath, here does nothing! Izuku plunged his knife into the man's side, taking him by surprise. "OW you BITCH!" The man grabbed Deku's hair and flung him against the wall knocking the wind out of him then pressing the wound on his side with his hand. "Oh your going to pay for that!" The man ran toward Izuku but he dodged, signaling the young boy to stop looking like a deer in front of a car and get his ass out of the alleyway the boy nodded and dashed out of the alleyway, while Deku was watching him run he felt  pain explode in his side. The man scoffed "Oh did the little USELESS BITCH forget I was here?" As the man smiled he activated his quirk. His fingers elongated and became jagged like the edge of a serrated knife. The man raked his hand across Deku's arm leaving 4 deep slashes in his arm "GAH!" Izuku cried out in pain and sprinted out of the alleyway to the warehouse he had found earlier. Shitshitshitshit. He ripped off his hoodie and stared at the blood pooling out of the wound, he took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. My hoodie is done for but the shirt seems fine, fuckin hell I need to wrap up the wound but I don't have any gauze! Deku quickly grabbed his torn hoodie and started ripping it into strips wrapping the pieces of cloth around he wound. Even through the pain coming from the wound he smiled.

I helped somebody...I might be worthless, useless, but I can survive and that gives me power.

He fell into a dreamless sleep

The next day when he woke up he had one goal: help as many people as possible He threw his backpack over his shoulder wincing from the wound he obtained last night. and walked out of the warehouse. Let's get to work

the next chapter Deku is going to be 15 and a real vigilante that is well known

I really hate this chapter I did it horribly and it sounds so forced I didn't have any motivation but I still wanted to post something.

well my guys, gals, and non-binary pals I bid you adieu


KyōkiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon