Chapter 6

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It was a regular Saturday, Aizawa had gone out for coffee, and was about to take a sip when his phone rang. OH FOR FUCKS SAKE. The sleep deprived hero sighed exasperatedly and glanced at his phone to surprisingly see Detective Tsukauchi as the caller ID.

"Hey Tsukauchi what's the matter?" Shota took a sip of his coffee and almost spat it out when he heard what Tsukauchi said.

"Eraser we need you in the slums on the corner of 3rd and 4th street. Kyōki is fighting 2 villains and witnesses are saying he looks a bit worse for wear, this might be our chance to catch him." Aizawa quickly chugged him coffee, "I'm heading there give me 7 minutes." He tossed the cup in the trash and started sprinting to the slums


Kyōki slashed his kusigarma across the arm of none other than Toga as she yelped in pain and bared her teeth "Aww~ come on just come with us." Kyōki didn't respond and lunged at Toga when he felt a searing pain coming from his shoulder, he whipped around and saw Shigaraki smiling with all five of his fingers latched onto his shoulder, Kyōki swung his weapon and imbedded it into the villains side. Fine you want to play dirty? We can play dirty. He twisted the kusigarma and Shigaraki howled in pain. Kyōki pulled his blade out and felt blood stream out of his side, he looked down and saw Toga's knife piercing his torso right under his ribcage "Awww~ did you forget about me?".

All three of their heads shot up as the sound of police sirens rang through the still air. Toga and Shigaraki both cursed and they jumped through a portal that had just appeared, leaving the vigilante in the alley with his injuries at the mercy of the police.

Kyōki tried to start scaling a building but the wound on his shoulder was too severe he landed back on the ground knocking the wind out of him as Eraserhead and 4 police cars stopped in front of the alleyway.

meh females, males and people who have better things to deal with than waste their time on gender

i bid you adieu


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