Chapter 1

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Izuku is 13

Deku sat on the floor of the basement, propped up against the wall with his arms wrapped around his torso, a pang of hunger hitting his stomach. It has been 10 days and Mom hasn't been down in the basement...what's happening. Deku took a deep breath and thought of the options he could choose from, I could wait for Mom to come back down or starve to death whichever comes first.
Izuku stood up and walked toward the stairs leading up to the main floor Is this a good idea? He pressed his ear up against the door and strained his ear but still heard nothing. Here goes nothing! He pushed open the door and was greeted by something completely different than from what he expected, a thin layer of dust coated everything it looked like no one had been in the house for at least a week. Izuku hesitatingly walked out of the basement glancing around but seeing no one. He grabbed a piece of bread of the counter and took a bite out of it when he saw a piece of paper on the kitchen table.

Izuku, I cannot live like this any longer I have tried to heal you, carve the demon out of you and help you repent of your sins but to no avail in all honesty I hope that you die before you get to read this note. I have left Japan do not follow me, do not try to contact me but as a parting order to you do not remove the stitches I used to sew your demon eye shut it is for your own good.
-Inko Miydoria
Izuku stared at the note and subconsciously his hand floated up to his right eye and carefully traced the stitches that had been closing his black eye since he was six. Deku's breathing started to become shaky he fell backwards and threaded his fingers through his hair trying to calm himself down. Calm down breath, take in the situation. Izuku pulled in a deep shuddering breath and went over the facts that he had just gathered.
Mom has left
I am alone
I have no idea what to do
I need to make a plan
The 13 year old boy stood up, walked up to his mothers room and started looking through the drawers in which he found a small pocket knife, an eyepatch which he promptly put over his stitched eye and 10,500 yen ( a bit less than 100 USD). From his mothers still-full closet he found some smaller clothes that fit him black jeans, a black hoodie,and lastly a simple white t-shirt Keep calm you can panic once you are out of the house. He slipped the pocketknife into his front pocket and found a small backpack that he put some food and his money in. Standing at the front door he looked outside . Just a teenage boy against the world.

I think this is the most boring piece of shitting garbage I have ever written.

Well my guys, gals and non-binary pals I bit you adieu


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