Chapter 8

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Izuku was sitting on the edge of a hospital bed, he hated hospitals, for the record. He had refused to take off his vigilante outfit as well as talk to Tsukauchi. He was waiting for the head doctor to come in and asses his wounds, and to make sure that he didn't escape the hobo-hero was waiting in the room with him. A minute later Detective Tsukauchi, Nezu and Recovery girl walked into the room (None of the other doctors agreed to heal the vigilante). "Ah Kyōki it is a pleasure to meet you." Recovery Girl said cheerfully, Deku didn't respond. Under his mask he was fighting off tears You stupid, stupid, useless, bitch look what you got yourself into. He was clenching his fists together so tightly that they were shaking. Tsukauchi sat next to Aizawa and started asking him questions as Recovery Girl and Nezu turned their attention to the injured vigilante in front of him, Nezu was staring at him with a calculating expression on his face, Kyōki could almost see the gears turning in the rat's head. "Kyōki, I'm going to need you to take off your coat and shirt to heal your wounds." Recovery Girl sighed. Kyōki stiffened, and the air turned thick with hostility, he turned toward Aizawa who glared right back. Stiffly he slipped off his jacket, and after taking a deep breath he pulled off his shirt. He whole room seemed to hold it's breath and Recovery girl covered her mouth in shock.

Crisscrossing all across his torso, back, and chest were crosses, carved into his skin. Recovery Girl reached out and gently touched one on his upper back, Kyōki flinched and pulled away from her touch. He glared at her through his mask Stop focusing on my past scars and do your fucking job. She shook her head and nodded, healing the wounds and his shoulder and side. She left the room to get Kyōki another shirt and Tsukauchi stared at him "Kyōki you have a lot of explaining to do."

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