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I really don't know what's happening to my life

I am scared of everything now
I am scared of my life
I am scared of myself
Will I live this life more ?
I don't know which is right, which is wrong
Who will stay with me, who is betraying me

I am so close to you but it's just feeling strange now are days I really wanna die

Days are just passing and I am just breathing . My life was so wonderful but I really wanna ask you ...
⚪ Was I wrong for you ?
⚪ Did I say something wrong ?
⚪ Is true love not worth it ?

What did I do to you I just loved you alot and really was that my mistake to love you was that my mistake to be with you to think about you daily

Now my days are just like a dead person. I don't ever think that you will not be in my life. Yeah I know I am toxic for you.

How easily you said me go go just go from my life you will find one and yeah I find one really cool friend it's my sadness it's my pain it's my tears

What could I say now the things have changed the feelings are still here but now Its unbearable to control this pain it's really breaking me daily it's giving more pain daily I am breaking in million pieces

This smile you see is not a real smile I am crying daily alone I don't think what's happening

Please come back

Thoughts - Which make me awake, Which make me cry Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang