This pain will end

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I know its not easy.It hurts right? To make yourself stand back on your foot having the ankle broken.Mostly its not more worst than making yourself smile holding a broken heart.Right? To calm yourself down inspite of every anger to pull yourself up holding your very own right hand through your left.To make yourself see in the mirror without doubting yourself. It hurts right? Talking to those walls at night while all your love ones and other happy-sad hearts sleeping.It hurts right? When you realise at the middle of the night that soon the sun will rise and you have to be fake again.Your breathing stops.There is a feel inside your heart which cant ever be named but hurts as bad as anything could.It damage your mind.And you think of ending life.Is'nt it?
But let me tell you
The person behind the screen,
All these are trials of the Almighty and Aparently its a blessing to be tested by the one who saw your goods and worst of worst.
Never forget, Allah is near his servent and he hereby said "With hardship there (will be) ease" The more you will fall the more you will see his mercy of making you stand again on your very own feet holding the heart right back to normal but this time filled with Love of allah and not Duniya. I know its not easy to hold onto something that hurts.But always remember he loves the tears of his servent and he answers too. The sky you are under is the roof of rehmat on you. Whenever you feel its not easy, remind yourself you are under a power which has no end.

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