Read if you are overthinking

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Dear Over-thinker,

Like cancer, if overthinking could be graded; you'd probably be on the last stage.
You overthink when the things go wrong; you overthink when the things go right.
You overthink when there are things to think about, you overthink when there is nothing at all.

All those nights you've spent huddled under your blanket, crying your eyes to sleep only to wake up next morning with puffy eyes and a fake smile. All those tears you've shed on prayer mats and gazing out of car windows while the wind blows your hair. All the pain you've caused yourself by simply thinking and all the opportunities you've let go because you thought too much! All your moments of uncertainty when you ALMOST did something. All your acts of bravery, so well thought and meticulously planned. All your insecurities, vulnerabilities and fears and all your faith, fulfilments and triumphs!

All of this makes you, you!

And in spite of this, your disease is your paradox. It gives you wings and it holds you back in heavy chains. You're tied to your fears; yet your fear makes you fly. You think too much! But that is not just because you're afraid.

You think too much, because you ARE too much! You feel too much. You hate small talk and superficial connections, because you dig deeper. You hardly hold eye contact, but three seconds are enough for you to swim right up to the rock bottom of someone's eyes and know their soul without knowing their story.
You mirror what others feel, because you're a mirror yourself. Open, pure, incapable of hiding yourself. Yet you try to hide. You cover yourself in layers of humour, laughter, gibberish and undying chatter that basically gives nothing away.
You've to learn to be spontaneous in a few situations. You've to stop being in denial of your feelings, fears and attachments. You've to heal yourself and let your spirit be the antidote to your overthinking mind.You've got to prioritise. You've got to balance. You've to take the risks. Because how else will you ever have an experience?
So let it be. Don't beat yourself up for doing something that felt right in the moment. Sometimes, the horizons are bigger than the consequences. Sometimes, the experience is bigger than the right and wrong.

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