You are not Alone

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Brave heart, you are not alone.People holding such pain also exists.I know It feels pathetic to deal with what doesnt exist.I know it feels ridiculious to deal with your mind while you know whatever it convey to you is wrong.While your heart knows the person or a particular situation your mind is provoking you towards is not something right to believe in.Still it get worse.Along the day while meeting people you feel negativity regarding every shit you come across.I know dear its hard to have such a mind to have a organ in your own body telling you to doubt your own self everytime this duniya point towards you.It feels the hell out of life to hold on to millions of those negative thoughts you get overnight which makes it difficult to sleep.
Besides,You hear your friends saying "Ignore it Dude,think possitive" Little did they know the mind inside you is rusted and now you feel like killing them and sometimes your own self.Small moment of time you feel like rushing to the kitchen and holding that little knife trying to slit the vein so that this pain could end it right here.

Inspite you rush to the prayer mat and put your head there and cry like a child cry on mothers lap.You urge.You yell.You weep and You know its deep that this is the exact place where you cant get judge.This is the exact place which builds the way when the world outside has done blaming you and your pain.
I know you are trying,trying harder to get out of it and trust me you will soon get out of all this.Until then Be what you are.Be Strong.Because thats what you are.
You are not Alone.People holding a mind like you Exist.Brave heart fight untill the pain exist until you are you again.

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