Read if you have anxiety

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If you are reading this, then you have fallen into that void of darkness once again. You're feeling sad, anxious, scared, alone. You don't understand what is happening or why. You are probably in bed right now not knowing when the last time you left the house was, or when you last showered or changed your clothes. Your thoughts are spiraling down a negative path, and your cheeks are stained with tears. Or even worse, you are numb to emotions.
You are a worthy human being. You have helped countless other people struggling just as you are struggling right now. They have gotten through it, and you will too. I can vouch for that.
Tell yourself what you tell others who are struggling...
You are not your diagnoses. You are not bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder or any other diagnosis thrown your way. You are not your traumas. You are not anything that anyone has ever done to you. These conditions and experiences are not you. They are just a small part of you. You are so much more.
You are a warrior. You are brave. You are creative, talented, smart, and capable. You are radiant, strong, and compassionate. You are beautiful at any size. You are loved. You will get through this. It may not be today or tomorrow, but you will get through this.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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