3. Oh Gods Venus(Reyna's POV)

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Nico was frantically calling out my name and his eyes were red from crying. I pulled him into a tight embrace. Oh Gods Venus, what are you doing to me I thought. 'I know it is you, Venus, Please stop messing with my feelings.' I mumbled.

I realized that he was in my embrace for too long at least 5 minutes, then I let go of him, embarrassed.

'Where were you? Were you stuck with the monsters? They took you, didn't they. It's all my faul-'

'I wasn't stuck with the monsters, death boy. They were stuck with me and it's not your fault. You don't have to worry about-,'

'Of course, I have to worry about you, Rey. You are my girl and nobody dare touches you.' He interrupted. What he had said made me blush badly. I could tell I was completely red. I don't think he thought before he spoke.

'You two cupcakes are done or what? Now shadow travel?' That made Nico Blush too. But, he steadied his breathing, wiped his tears, and replied, 'Yes, Coach.  Reyna, tie me up and get ready to shadow travel, this time to the right place.' And then we all burst into giggles forgetting the embarrassment.

Coach hedge Gathered our bags and the pairs of fresh and new clothes he had bought for us. Meanwhile, I helped Nico buckle up Athena Parthenos. 

Nico took hold of Coach Hedge's hand And grabbed my waist and we vanished into shadows.

We continued traveling for a whole night. This time I could lend Nico enough energy. And we landed on the floor in the correct country. We were very near Greece. I could feel it.

'I'm going to rest. Tomorrow is the last and the most difficult part of our journey.' 

I quickly folded my jacket and kept it under his head so that he could sleep without any difficulty and for full comfortability. I don't know why and where all that caring had come from.

'Inside of your heart.' A voice answered me.

'Not again Venus, I know it's you'

'Oh come on girl I know you love him. Not only me. But you also know you love him...'

'No, I don't love Nico and it's none of your business,' I said stupidly, knowing that it was her business being the goddess of love and beauty.

'Even if you don't agree, I will ship you both. Umm... What would you like as a ship name dearie?' She asked me.

'I told you, I don't love him. I don't love-'

'Hey, I got it. I will call you: Reynico. It's such a cute name for you too.'

'Leave me alone Venus! Plus that is the stupidest ship name I've ever heard...' I mumbled.

After some time, I noticed that Coach was still awake and seeing the expression on my face, 'Coach, go ahead and sleep, I'll take first watch. You looked tired anyway.' He wanted to protest but I sang to him and he fell asleep immediately.

Suddenly, Nico started shaking. 'Having a nightmare again...' I took his hand in mine and kept the other on his head patting him softly. He moved a little and in unconsciousness lay his head in my lap. 'Venus!' I mumbled again. But anyhow, it felt really good/nice. 

I started thinking about all the dangers we've been through together. How it had scared me to death when Nico was injured badly, when Nico had said yes to help complete my personal task of delivering the Athena Parthenos back to Camp Half-Blood, when Nico cried; when Nico was worried about completing the journey when Nico had suddenly grabbed my waist to save me from a monster, et cetera. It had made me blush more than I wanted to. I sheepishly touched his cheekbone and then pulled back my arm thinking that Nico wouldn't like that gesture towards him. Tears started forming in my eyes. I knew that he could never love me but still...

'I think I've fallen for you, Nico. I think I really have...' I whispered tears were now streaming from my eyes.

'You can never be mine... I know that. But, it still hurts me to know that you love someone else...' I said in a whisper talking to myself. 'If you'll ever need me, I'll completely be yours because I love you...'More tears streamed down my cheeks. It was Venus's fault. She makes me keep falling in love with people who can't love me back, just like Calypso. 

I started feeling tired so I wiped off my tears put on a strong face and woke Coach up for a Second watch.

'All the best for tomorrow death boy.' I mumbled and then slept where I was sitting, with Nico's head gently lying in my lap.

How we fell in love (Reyna and Nico)Where stories live. Discover now