8. CPR(Reyna's POV)

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I surprisingly didn't have much nightmares this time. I'd had dreams of myself and Hylla spending time together, walking down the paths of our colony, enjoying ourselves, eating sundaes with vanilla and butterscotch ice creams with toppings and marshmallows, Hylla consoling me while I was crying because of our father, me pranking her and fighting her for her toys. I also had a dream of me falling in love with Nico and getting separated from Hylla at Circe's... These were the only painful ones. 

I woke up with a start to someone shaking me. Wait someone was shaking me... In my apartment... No one could come in because only I had the keys...

My eyes fluttered open to see a very worried Annabeth.

'Hey! How did you come in? Plus what's the worried look on your face?' I asked her, pure shock on my face.

'Something-somethings happened to Nico! I don't know what... Will isn't here and neither of any other Apollo campers. Chiron's with the Apollo camper-'

'Say no more. Take me to him. Where is he?' I cut her off worry taking over my thoughts now. I dressed myself and brushed my teeth and we set out to find Nico.

'Where is he, Annabeth?'

'In the Hades cabin. I heard a shout from there and when I went there I found out that Nico was not able to breathe properly. You are also a healer so I thought you could help.'

'Okay, come on then. We've got problems to solve!' I encouraged her.
When we reached the cabin, Nico was lying there... Unconscious and unable to breathe. I quickly took action despite the panic inside me. I quickly checked his pulse which was not good. I placed my palms on his chest. It was swelled up badly. What again did we call this? I was supposed to remember... and suddenly it all came back to me.

'This is happening because of exposure. Extra amount of air has filled in his lungs. It's very dangerous. If not treated right now, we could loose him. Annabeth bring me a bottle of vodka, a knife and a small piece of cotton. Quick,' I explained.

'Okay,' she said. 'At your service madam!'

She quickly sprang into action and searched the cabin for a first aid kit which she found within two minutes. She quickly handed me the things I had asked for. I reluctantly opened his shirt. Then I cleaned his bare chest with the help of vodka and cotton. Then came the most toughest part. I took the knife and and made a tiny hole in his chest. Then I took the cap of the vodka bottle and made a hole in it. I pressed the cap against the hole I had made in his chest and to my relief the air came out. But still there was no improvement in his condition. Had I forgotten something? Think Think I told myself. Yes!... No... The last step was giving the person a... CPR.

'I can't do this...' I told Annabeth in a sorry tone.

'Why? What's wrong?'

'The last step... The person has to give the patient a CPR,' I explained.

'Then do it Reyna. Do you want to loose him or what??' 

'No, I can't. Will is his boyfriend. I just can't,' I told her.


'Sorry WILL! but I have no other choice.' I said and hurriedly placed my lips against his and started blowing air into his mouth. He suddenly took a breath and his eyes shot open. I paused and then hades broke...


'Umm-um I don't know. I just wanted to visit-' He tried to answer but I cut him off. 'You dare do such a thing again death boy, or you would have been a dead boy instead of a death boy. You dare-' and I couldn't complete my sentence because I almost broke down into tears.

'Hey! you did it! You saved Nico's life,' Annabeth exclaimed the worry in her eyes subsiding.
I hugged Nico close still cursing under my breath. 'If you do anything like this again, I don't know what would I have done to myself,' I stopped, realizing what I had said. 'I mean erm-... I don't know.'

'Can you help me up?' Nico asked with a slight grin on his face.

'Yeah, sorry.' I realized that he was still in my embrace. I quickly pulled away and carried him and set him on the bed, carefully.

'Thanks,' he said. 'I owe you one.'

'It-it's no problem.' I stammered. Annabeth hugged me suddenly and I returned the gesture. She finally pulled away. 'I'm proud of you, Reyna.' She said. 'Thanks...' I replied.

'Did you give me some watermelon juice or something?' he asked me suddenly interrupting the moment. I noticed that Annabeth was trying not to laugh and I suddenly realized why... It was because it was the flavor of my lip balm. I used to have dry lips so Piper had gifted me a lip balm that would help improve the texture of my lips. Upon realizing that I blushed bright red, I could tell that much.

'Umm... No.' I answered. 'But you better take some rest and have some nectar. Open your mouth,' I said and as he opened his mouth, I poured some Nectar into it. He gulped it all in, in just one sip. I ruffled his hair playfully. 

'Thank you Rey! I am now feeling better.' To that I tucked Nico in bed and we as in myself and Annabeth left his cabin.

'That was awesome, Rey! Well Rey is a good Nickname for you...' She teased me. 'Plus you finally kissed him. How did it feel?'

'Hey! I didn't kiss him okay... It was just to save his dear to me life, you know,' I said as I was overwhelmed with emotions that I had never felt before...

'Oh... Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just... I'm sorry.' Annabeth apologized.

'It's fine. Besides I'm lucky to have a friend like you Annabeth.' She hugged me and I cried in her embrace for a while. She was definitely a good hugger. Her hugs seemed so... sisterly. We finally pulled apart.

'Thank you for being there for me Annabeth.' I thanked her trying not to cry more and definitely to crack a smile. Which was easy because this was Annabeth, she could cheer anyone up. At least that's what I think.

'Hey! Don't get too emotional. Besides it's time for breakfast. Race you to the hall?' She asked me

'You are so going to loose,' I said wiping away the stray tears. To that we started sprinting to the dining hall.

How we fell in love (Reyna and Nico)Where stories live. Discover now