10. The Trip (Reyna's POV)

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The next morning I woke up with a start when lying on the floor.

'Oh, must have happened when I slept on the couch,' I muttered. I heard a sudden yell and some movement behind me. That's when I noticed that I wasn't in my apartment instead I was lying on the floor of Nico's cabin! I couldn't remember anything from the last night about when I had fallen asleep or why was I on the floor of Hades' cabin. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a yell and a scream for help. I quickly got up and saw that Nico was shaking with fear on the bed... I quickly placed my palm on his shoulder to give him a soothing effect. Then I quickly felt his pulse which was surprisingly fine instead of being slow or something due to the nightmare.

Then, I checked his very cold temperature! Not a good sign. I quickly pulled out the bottle of nectar from my hidden pocket which only I knew about. It had an unlimited amount of space but I usually used it for keeping the essentials such as nectar, ambrosia, drachmas, water, a set of extra clothes, a tent, and 2 daggers. I got them on a quest with Jason. It was a secret quest which only the gods and we knew about but that's another story... Back to Nico. I quickly poured a spoon of nectar and made him swallow it little by little. He slowly gained back his body temperature. 

'Nico, wake up.' I slowly nudged his arm and whispered in his ear.

Her eyes slowly opened his eyes. They were bloodshot and filled with fear. As soon as he realized that it was a nightmare, he pulled me into a hug. I was completely shocked and tensed up but eventually relaxed and hugged him back.

'It's okay Nico, I'm here and you're fine. It was just a bad nightmare. Relax,' I whispered in his ear trying to calm him down.

'D-don't leave me, Reyna. H-he came and-' He stuttered.

'It's fine Nico, it was just a dream and you don't have to worry about it,' I whispered. 'Just relax death boy.' I was still in his embrace and it was wrong. But, I didn't want to pull back... it just felt so right, so secure, so safe... so loved. I was still in his embrace when the alarm went off. When I saw the time, I had one hour to get ready and pack my bags to leave for Camp Jupiter. I quickly pulled back and said, 'Nico, go back to sleep and relax. you should be fine by today's end. Just take care of yourself when I'm not around. Okay?'

'Y-yeah... I'll be fine,' he said still a bit dazed.

'By the way, what were you dreaming about?' I asked him.

'Yo- I mean it... it was Tartarus,' He stuttered and said in a very deadly tone.

'Oh... Just don't think about it, okay?' I said genuinely concerned. He nodded. 'Nico, just umm... just go back to sleep, I'll be gone by then.' 

'Why did you have to go?' He protested. Because I don't want to see you with Will laughing and kissing... because I'm deeply and hopelessly in love with you... I thought.

'Gaea is asleep but that doesn't mean that it's safe to go out there alone. Not even Hazel.'

'O-okay. Just promise me you'll take care of my sister. I just can't lose another one-' 

'Of course, death boy. I promise.' I promised. 'Now, you better go back to sleep. It's five in the morning.' With that, I turned towards the door and started towards it only to be stopped by Nico grabbing my wrist. He pulled me towards and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. I was totally shocked by his approach. I gasped and he pulled away from his cheeks a little pinkish... wait did he just blush-What are you thinking Reyna? He has a boyfriend, he doesn't like you. I thought. 

'I'm sorry.'

'Um... yeah. I guess that is fine.' I stuttered out still in my thoughts.

'Just, just take care of yourself, Rey.' He said. 

'Um... Okay?' I replied not sure what to answer.

I turned around still thinking about his hug and then started towards my apartment. I was just walking when I saw Will sneaking into the... Aphrodite cabin?! It's nothing. I thought and continued back to my apartment. As soon as I opened the door to my apartment I went inside and started packing for about five days with a little too extra nectar and ambrosia. I quickly took a bath, brushed my teeth, got fresh, and then finally started towards the dining hall munching on some cookies. I went there and then took my plate ordered some food, burnt some in the fire to Bellona as a sacrifice, and the usual. By the time I finished, it was time for me to leave for Camp Jupiter. So I started towards Thalia's pine tree where I and the seven were supposed to meet. I quickened my pace and reached it only to find everyone waiting there.

'Am I late?' I asked smirking.

'Oh, certainly not. We just came here about five minutes ago.' Hazel answered and quickly hugged me.

'Okay now bye, where's the van,' I asked.

Quickly almost everyone gave me and Hazel hugs. It was Percy's turn so he hugged me showing a little more concern than needed. But I didn't mind. 'Stay safe.' He whispered in my ear in a deadly serious tone and quickly pulled away now standing beside Annabeth. I nodded in their direction and they both simply smiled. Then I turned towards the Camp Half-Blood van and quickly took my seat inside which was beside Hazel's of course. I waved the seven except Hazel bye and we started our journey.

'Um, Hey Argus, would you play some music for us,' Hazel requested Argus who was our driver till the train station. He played some soft music and I and Hazel sang it together to the tune. By the way, not many people know but I sing quite well. After a while, we were having some... French fries. They reminded me of Nico. Hazel must have noticed some sort of tension or sadness in my expression.

'Um, hey Reyna. Are you... Are you okay?'

'Yeah, yeah, I am.' I lied forcing a smile. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to buy it. She opened her mouth to probably ask some sort of question about Nico or some sort, but she instead asked me another question that quickly took my interest in the topic she was talking about.

'So, Rey! What are you planning for the upcoming War Games? I told Frank to prepare for them since their very fierce Praetor is coming back for some days!' She smirked at me. I simply smirked back at her evilly.

'Oh. They are so going to lose. I've been planning for them since... well, since the next day of the last War Games I had participated in.' I said, and so, the conversation continued.

We sang, chatted, played, discussed the plans for the upcoming war games, enjoyed, and even ate some snacks.

I was sitting peacefully in my seat after some time and I felt a bit drowsy. I was gazing out of the window when suddenly, I realized that I had already fallen asleep.

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