4. A new Crush(Reyna's POV)

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'Wake up Cupcakes! It's about time you woke up!' The coach said in a friendly tone.

I woke up and opened my eyes to see Nico still asleep, his head in my lap. I ruffled his hair and said, 'Hey, death boy, Wake up. We have a pretty big day in front of us.'

'Evening Coach! You wanna eat something? I'm sure you are hungry by now,' I asked him.

'Here Cupcakes, I've got double cheese, Margareta, for you two to share,' he said handing me the pizza from Dominos. 'Oh, thanks!', I said.

I noticed that Nico was still sleeping so I whispered in his ear, 'Hey, pizza's almost finished! If you don't wake up I'm gonna finish all-' That bought Nico back to consciousness.

'Dare you! Don't mess with the ghost king.' 

He gobbled up the pizza faster than I could. 'What?' He asked. I realized I was staring at him. I quickly moved my eyes to another spot in the distance. As soon as he finished his Pizza I bound the ropes and we set for the most difficult journey yet. Normally when we shadow traveled, I could at least see the tree around which we moved but this time, I couldn't see a thing. That made me realize that we were moving almost as fast as the speed of light.

I started lending him strength and this time I could lend him more strength at a time. I think when I hugged my mother, she gave me more strength and confidence. I secretly thanked my mother again and wondered if she delivered her promise on meeting Hylla, but I was sure that she would do it as I trusted her.

'Get ready for the landing guys I don't really know where are we.' Nico said in a hushed tone as if he was already so tired that he would even sleep while shadow traveling and was fighting not to. I lend him more strength and we stopped after a few miles maybe. We were on the half-blood hill and the sun was just starting to rise Nico was going to fall but I caught him in my embrace. Coach untied the ropes that were holding the statue of Athena.

'Take him to the infirmary Coach, I'll handle the rest.' 

'Yeah, I miss my Millie and baby.' I handed Nico to him as he ran furiously to the infirmary of the camp.

Blackjack and other Pegasus helped me carry the Statue to the Half-Blood Hill but another enemy was waiting there. He shot an arrow and blackjack caught it on him, to save me.


'I'm not losing another pet.'

'Haven't you been like dumped enough?' Teased Orion 

I said aloud, 'I do not judge myself by the boys who may or may not like me.'

 I battled Orion one on one and defeated him it was possible only because both Athena and Bellona gave me strength and confidence. Two goddesses on my side were an honorable achievement and that too the most powerful ones. Athena had thanked and honored me by cutting out a piece of the Aegis and giving it to me. After defeating Orion, I cured Black Jack and was awarded the name: ' Horse friend' by the god of horses.

I ran back to the camp, my leg was still in pain but I went to the infirmary to check on Nico. He was doing fine except he wanted to fight. By the way, he looked at his doctor Will, it was clear that he had a new crush. But still, I scurried up to him and kissed his forehead and just before tears came to my eyes, I ran out to defeat Gaea(or Gaia). As usual, I lead the legion, Leo sacrificed himself to defeat Gaia, we made peace between the camps and honored the demigods who had sacrificed themselves. Everyone cried for Leo, I hid my emotions well but still, a tear or two slipped down my cheek. I was wrong about that boy he was a true hero...(Little did we know, Leo was still alive!)

That night at the campfire we remembered all the good days and spent some time with each other.

I went towards Nico who was as usual standing in the shadows, Grabbed his hand and pulled him gently towards the firelight, and hugged him, 'We used to have one home, now we have two.' I said gently. Nico, for the first time, didn't feel like pulling back, instead, he buried his face in my shoulder and cried tears of happiness, relief, and joy.

The next day I saw Nico and went up to him. 'Hey, death boy. how are you doing?'
'Actually, I wanted to tell you something important. I-I have a crush... On Will. Should I tell him,' He asked me for advice. Tears welled up in my eyes but I replied, 'Yeah, go on tell him. I'm sure h-he loves yo-you too.' 

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