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"Peek-peek-a-peek-a-boo!" I sang out.

I was folding my clean my clothes to put away but decided to listen to music with my headphones in.

"흥, 흥이 난 여우 그, 그런 나라구!"

Spinning around to dance on beat, I meet eyes with Koshi.

"Fuck!" I yell out from my shocked state.

"Oh shit sorry for scaring you!" Koshi apologized, going to the ground to pick me up from my fallen form.

"Please...next time you come in...make some vibrations on the floor so I can feel you coming in..." I breathed out.

"Sorry! I didn't think of that!" The boy continued to apologize while bringing me up to my feet.

I turned to my phone and shut off the music as well as my headphones.

"Were you singing in Korean?"


"Do you understand it?"

"Only a little bit because I read the lyrics before..."

"Then how come you can say it perfectly?"

"Practice my dear Koshi...practice!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together in praise to the Kpop poster on my wall.

"Interesting...You can play the music out loud if you want. I just came by to hang out for a couple of hours."

"Are you sure?" I made sure, looking back at him.

"Yeah! I want to listen to Y/n's famous music taste anyways. You always have headphones in anytime you have the chance so please let me experience this mesmerizing music you listen to."

"I don't always listen to this stuff. I listen to American music as well." I said, turning on my speaker.

"Do you understand english?"


"Woah! Where did you learn?"

"I was born and lived there for a couple of years so it's kind of a given."

"Really? Oh wait yeah...coach said you were adopted..."

"Yup!" I replied, putting on a playlist of english singing music so Koshi could have a taste.

"What's this song called?" Koshi asked, putting his bag down and taking off his jacket.

"Let me look...It's called Show Me How."

"It has a nice tune..."

"I knowwwww!" I squeal out, feeling the bass on the floor.

"Why are you so excited?" He asked, laying himself onto my bed.

I followed and sat next to him.

"The bass...it feels so good. It's like...mesmerizing..."

I could tell Koshi was watching me swing my body side to side.

"Come here. Lay with me." He said.

"Yes! A cuddle session with my favorite boy on the volleyball team!" I exclaim.

Koshi put his arms out, a way to signal me to come into them. Laying my head on his chest, I lay my arms in a cross shape over my chest.

"Your really warm, but your hands are cold..." I mumbled.

"O-oh...I don't know why that happens..."

"The suspicion way your answered makes me think you do know why." I retort.

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