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Agent 8's pov

"The first thing you should know about Tartar is that he never plays fair, firstly," I told Agents 3 and 4. They nodded. I kept on going.

"He always pulls something at the last minute when you least expect it, so if we decide to plan our attack, we gotta be smart," I told them.

"But...why would he want to sanitize me ?" asked 3. "Doesn't he only sanitize Octolings ?"

"He probably knows that you're a really strong agent," I told her. "Heck, he might even try to sanitize the Inkling species now...,"

3 and 4 looked disturbed.

"Well, not if we have to fight Tartar...," I said.

"We get to save the world AGAIN !" said 4. 3 laughed.

"Just keep in mind, it's kinda harder than fighting Octavio," I said. 

"Wait, how do you know that?" asked 3. "You never fought him...have you?"

"No, no, it's just that Octavio had something called his Octobot King 2, right?" I asked 3.

She nodded. "I defeated Octavio the first time, and 4 defeated him the second time...," said 3.

"Well, Tartar had something called the NILS Statue, I think," I continued.

"And he tried to use it to destroy the world. That statue was big. I mean, REALLY big. But Octavio had a waaaaaaaay smaller creation, so I'm just's gonna be harder. I think you and me should be prepared, 3," I said.

"Wait, what? What about me ?!" 4 cried.

"I think you should go with Callie and Marie to stop Octavio, and me and 3 will stop Tartar," I said. "We have to keep an eye on both villains, so that they don't do anything bad,"

"Yeah, I think 8's right...we should keep on eye on both of them," 3 said. I smiled. I just hoped that 4 didn't think we were taking sides or anything. 

"Alright, I'll tell Callie and Marie," Agent 4 told us. "I've gotten stronger after I've defeated him ! I'm even stronger now! He won't know what hit him,"

"Best of luck to all of us Agents," said 3. "Be careful...because we're gonna be defeating two villains at the same time!"

She put her hand out to me and 4.

"Agents?" she asked.

Me and 4 placed our hand on top of hers.

"Agents," we said together.

We were gonna fight the villains we all defeated before...and we would defeat them again.

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