First Kisses

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A/N: this is a SHORT story from when Adora and Catra first started dating.

     Adora stared up at the ceiling, it was a few weeks after the defeat of Prime. Hordak and Catra were mostly the ones facing severe punishment but they were managing. Catra had been seeing Perfuma for therapy sessions to help her with most of her PTSD and even Adora went because of PTSD, even if she didn't show it. They hadn't kissed since the heart, you'd think that they'd be all over each other after but truth is...they weren't. In fact they were both distant and awkward, not knowing how to take their relationship further than a friendship. So that's what they were, friends. Now here they are, sitting in a messy room from an hour ago. They had argued about what they were and plenty of other things and...they raged. Adora and Catra got all the feelings out and now they sat on the bed together, staring off into the distance. "I-" "You-" they blushed and looked away, waiting for another to speak. Adora quickly opened her mouth but so did Catra, "We-" "I-" Catra shook her head and sighed before gesturing for Adora to go first "When you told me you loved me I told you I loved you too, and now you're acting all awkward and weird!" Catra winced as if she had ripped a band-aid off. "Well I thought you said it because it was in the heat of the moment kind of thing!" Catra defended as she picked at the bed covers, refusing to make eye contact with her crush? Lover? Whatever. "No! I said it because it's true...I really do love you Catra." The Magicat looked up with eyes full of love and reached out but quickly retracted her hand, "R-really?" Adora smiled and leaned forward. Their lips met in a soft kiss and both of them released a breath as if a boulder was being removed from their shoulders.
     Catra's brow twitched, Adora's lips were chapped. They pulled back with blushes creeping across their faces, "L-let's do it again..your lips were chapped." Adora's tongue peaked out between her lips to wet them slightly before they leaned in again. They paused to see who would be taking the lead first. Catra couldn't wait any longer so she excitedly pressed their lips together again. It was shorter but it was sweet, Adora was the first (again) to pull away. Blue eyes locked onto blue and yellow. "Ag-again." Catra demanded and a hand was brought up to cup her cheek while Adora kissed her again, "Again." Catra breathed softly when they pulled away. Adora obliged and kissed her again, her other hand sliding around the bed covers to find Catra's. When it found hers their fingers twined and the two pulled away. "A-again..?" Adora asked and stifled a smile when Catra nodded against her forehead. Their lips met again and this kiss was the longest, a new feeling burned deep down inside of them but neither pulled away. Not even for air.
     Adora woke up with a Magicat's head tucked safely against her throat. Her warm breaths cascading down to her collar bone. Adora cringed when she felt her leg brush up against the fabric of her pants, she hated wearing pants to bed. It was uncomfortable. After awhile Catra stirred with a cute, "Mmrrp?" While bristling as Adora called her cute. "Can I kiss you again?" Catra softly asked to which Adora swallowed thickly and nodded then the two lips met.

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