Ten Years Ago

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Author's Note: !Trigger warning! Some pieces may trigger others, I may edit it later if it is upsetting to people. Also I'm sorry this is kinda long haha

She woke up in a bed, a hospital bed, bandages crisscrossing her chest. An IV drip in her arm gave a sharp prick as she tried to sit up. And then the woman entered. "Sasha? Hey, I'm Natasha Romanoff, you might know me," she explained. "We rescued you from the Red Room last night, you were shot in the chest." She gestured to Sasha's bandages.

"Why am I here? I don't think I'm really...worth saving..." She paused, almost saying the words with ease.

"You're here because we finally put an end to it, we stopped them."

"E-even Madame?" Natasha looks down, recalling her own memories of the place.

"Even Madame. All the girls are safe, but we brought you with us because you're...special," She said the words carefully, trying not to startle the girl.

"What do you mean by that?" The younger one started to panic, what if something happened to her? "You mean like...like powers?"

"Yeah, like powers. I'd actually like you to meet someone who's gonna help you with those eventually," She ducks out the door, coming back a minute later with a younger woman who Sasha recognized to be Wanda Maximoff. "This is Wanda, she and I are gonna work with you a few days a week so that you can get better. I'm sure you know about me, I was rescued from the Red Room when I was young as well, so I'm gonna try and help you as much as I can okay?"

"Yeah...that's alright...I just want to be normal, and have a life for once," The girl sighed, and pulled a knee to her chest.

"Well, you're gonna be training to become a SHIELD agent while we figure out what's best for you. You'll live in the youth sector for now, and you'll have an S.O that will help you learn how things are done here, and will help you start your training. Do you have any questions before we get you set up with a few doctors to make sure you're alright?" Natasha looked softly at the young girl, who looked down. "Sasha? Is there anything you want to tell me?" She looked up again, her eyes sad with apology. Natasha walked over to her, about to speak, but Sasha's eyes flashed red and her head was flooded with the old memories. She put her hands to her head, trying to make it stop. Her heart rate accelerated, and a surge of power came out, shattering bulbs and glass in the room. She screamed, covering her head. Natasha jumped back, unsure of what to do. Wanda tried to comfort the girl, but Natasha knew that until they got the transmitter out of her, nothing could make it stop. The power surge calmed, and the girl's small form curled into a shaking ball, crying. "Hey, hey, it's alright, you're okay..." Natasha laid calming hands on the girl's body, trying to help. She looked with cautious and curious eyes at Wanda, who merely shrugged. "Sasha....? You alright?" The girl looks up cautiously, fear in her eyes, which had thankfully returned to normal. "What.....what was that?" She takes a shaky breath, you can hear the fear in her voice. Natasha looked to Wanda, who came forward. "Those...those must've been your powers," She looks softly at the young girl, trying to will her fear away. "I didn't ask for this...sorry," She stared at the bed, unable to meet the eyes of either woman. "Hey, it's okay. These things, however rare, happen. And we take care of it. You have nothing to worry about, don't stress."

"And you'll have whatever help you need. We'll always be here for you, okay?" Sasha looks up, silently thanking the two. Her head races with what she saw, and everything she did. She waits a bit before quietly speaking again. "What now...?" The pair exchanged glances, and Sasha dropped her eyes again, uncomfortable. "Well, we'll figure it out soon. But don't worry, you just stay here and get some rest, and some doctors will come check on you soon," Natasha spoke quietly and calmly, reassuring the younger one. "Do you have any other questions for us, or things you might want to talk to someone about?" Instead of speaking to Wanda, yet again the girl turned her eyes on Natasha. "Do you still think about it?" She asked the question quietly, instantly regretting it as she saw a faraway look in Natasha's eyes. "Sometimes...but it gets better, you forget eventually. And it all becomes a past you no longer need to think about. You'll be okay soon, don't worry," Natasha smiled softly. Moments later, two doctors came in. Wanda and Natasha said goodbye to Sasha and left. The nurse introduced herself, saying she was Alyssa. They hooked up a few more machines, saying they were to monitor her and make sure nothing was abnormal. Then Dr. Harver had the nurse leave, and he sat down next to Sasha. "Hello Sasha, I'm Dr. Harver, and I'm gonna be your doctor for a while. I'm just gonna ask you a few questions, do you think you can answer them honestly?"

"Y-yeah" The doctor begins to examine her, talking to her as he works. "When you were in the Red Room, did you experience any kind of physical abuse?" She nods, and he looks her over for scars, finding many across the girls back and legs. "Is there anything you can tell me about them?" She shook her head. "You don't need to worry, nobody's going to hurt you here," He ran his cold hands down her back, neck, and chest, before typing something on his computer. "Were you given any medical care or surgeries in the past?" She thought for a moment, before looking away again. "I...I don't remember..."
"That's alright, we can do some tests later. Do you remember being given any forms of drugs?"

"We were given sleeping pills a-at night, and...probably others, but I don't remember..." Understandably, she was a bit nervous. He had her stand up, and felt her back again, before running his hands over her arms and chest, feeling for any abnormalities. She sat back down, breathing as he checked her lungs and heart. "Have you had any heart problems, like it stopping or making breathing harder?"

"I-I think so...it would happen often, like once a week. But then they...they'd knock me out and I'd wake up better..."

"You have a heart murmur. I can prescribe you some medication, but you're going to need it in a drip until we release you." He asked her to lay back, and he put some more monitors on her chest and back. He clipped a pulse monitor to her finger, and cleaned a small spot on her hand, preparing to give her the IV, but she started to have an anxiety attack. The nurse came back to help, and gave her some gas to calm her down. Her breathing relaxed a bit, and her hand felt cold as he put some numbing gel on the spot, and poked the needle in. He cleared up some things before sitting back down on a stool. "So Sasha, just gonna check you out a little more, and anything you can tell me is helpful." She shifted so that she wasn't on top of the blankets, and he ran his cold hands down her legs, and felt her torso and hips. There was a small lump on her right side, and he felt it, pressing on it a bit. She gave a small moan of pain, and he sat back. "Do you know what this is?"
"N-no...but it really hurts..."
"Have you had it for long?"
"Only a few days before..."
"Did anything happen that day? Were you hurt, or given any medications?" She looked down, and shook her head. "We're going to have to do some x-rays and keep an eye on it, possibly removing it, and soon," He ran his hands around her torso and chest again, pressing on her back and chest, the girl flinching when he touched her scars. "Does any of that hurt?" She shook her head, and he continued to feel along her body. His hands ran over her ribs, which were extremely defined, poking out of her chest. His hands felt her lower stomach, before sitting back and taking some notes. He slowly removes the needle giving her the medicine. Natasha came back in, and spoke with the doctor. He came back to prep her for x-rays, and took her down the hall. He took the x-rays, and she waited in her room while Natasha spoke to him about them. She came in a few minutes later and sat down. "Hey Sasha, so I was speaking with Dr. Harver, and we're going to give you a small surgery tomorrow morning to remove that tumor."
"I-is it something bad?"
"We aren't sure, but because we don't know, we're gonna take it out. It's that simple, and it'll be over really quickly," She smiled softly at the girl, who's fear was evident. "He also told me that you had a panic attack when they put the needle in, do you wanna talk about it?"
"Needles and...and anything that has to do with doctors is really s-scary...cause of what they would do to us there..."

"They made you watch them impregnate the girls, the ones that misbehaved?" She nodded, the memory still fresh in her head. Natasha held the girl close, she couldn't even count the times she had to watch it. "Why do they do it...they are so young..."

"I don't know, I wish I did. The whole organization is pure evil." The girl looked down, her heart pounding. Dr. Harver came back in to read Sasha's vitals again. "Is there something you're afraid about Sasha? Your heart rate is up," He looked down at the young girl. She had curled into a ball, leaning against Natasha. "I-it's all so scary...everything is. A day ago there was a gun to my head...a-and I..." She trailed off, her voice shaky. Natasha looked at the girl, rubbing her back. She mouthed that she'd talk in the hallway, and gave her a tight hug, before walking outside. "Are you sure she'll be ready in a few months?""Of course not, but she'll train under me, and then Agent Snow, we'll have her in good hands.""So she has her surgery tomorrow, and then tests, and do you want her to do a physical with someone?""If she's prepared, I just want to see what she can do...maybe Agent Rougue can do it.""I'll call it in then, as long as you think she's prepared," He made some notes, and Natasha ran her hand through her short, bright red hair. "She will be, I know it."

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