The New Kid(s)

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Author's Note: What's this?? Two parts in one day? aNd LoOkIe My ChApTeRs HaVe NaMeS nOw. AND LET ME TELL YOU that writing poor anxious little Sasha is so damn fun it's like putting my life on paper ;)

Sasha's POV

We pulled up to an apartment in Queens only 45 minutes later-and it is 100 percent because Natasha has no regard for road rules. "Natasha? Why are we at an apartment...?"

"Because you, Sasha, are finally going to make a friend outside of S.H.I.E.L.D!"
"But I'm antisocialllll!" I can be whiny when I wanna be, and right now I wanna be. But I'll give this kid a shot, it won't ruin me forever, right? (ahem ahem RiGhT??) I followed Natasha up the steps, and she knocked. A tallish kid with shoulder length, brownish curly hair and wearing graphic tee opened the door. I immediately heard shouts from inside. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT ANSWERING THE DOOR!?" The kid groaned and yelled back "I'm almost 14, jeez!!" He turned back to Natasha. "So who are you guys?"
"Ah you must be the infamous Peter Parker. I'm Agent Natasha Romanoff, with S.H.I.E.L.D, and this is one of our younger agents Sasha!" I stepped up a couple of stairs and gave a small wave. The I assumed? Came behind him and tried to say something, but just pat the kid's-Peter's head. Peter reached out his hand, and I shook it. "Nice to meet you Sasha, Agent Romanoff!"
"Nice to meet you too," I was trying way to hard not to be awkward as hell, and still failing. "So Peter...I was speaking to Ms. Romanoff last night, and we can get that thing done tomorrow that you wanted to do..."
"I CAN GET MY HAIR CUT!?" Peter seemed very happy, so I smiled too. I noticed that Natasha had visibly flinched at being called Ms, and I made a point to ask her about it later. "Okay Sasha, I'm going to head back to HQ now, I'll be back this afternoon. See you later!" I went a bit red as she hugged me and went back to the car. After a fairly long pause, I turned back to Peter. "So um...hi!" He laughed a little, and motioned for me to come in. "Sorry if I confused you or anything...I-I'm transgender. I think your name is really pretty!"
"No it's fine, that's cool! And thank you...I'm kind of really odd, I've never had any friends outside of S.H.I.E.L.D before...."

"Aw don't worry, I'm odd too!" He took my hand-my hand?! I mean Eli takes my hand all the time...ANXIETY GO AWAY NOW IS NOT THE TIME!! He lead me to his room, and I couldn't take my eyes off all the paintings on the wall. "Wow....I draw in my spare time, but this is next level amazing!!"

"Oh oh oh!! What do you wanna do when you grow up? I want a husband or wife-I'm not sure since I'm bisexual though-but that's not the point! I also want a kid, it would be the perfect life!" I chuckled. This kid certainly has energy. Not like me who already has the brain of a teenager who just wants to sleep. That's what Natasha told me anyways. "You definitely have plans, that's great! I'm not sure about me yet though, I'm very confused in the head!" I laughed again. "I'll probably just stay an agent for now. That way I can have a few years to think about it, you know?"
"Oh, well I hope we can still be friends! I am your friend now, right?" Oh well, he's cool and makes me smile, he can be my friend. I guess getting out can be worth it sometimes..."Yeah, we can be friends. I don't have many friends, you're a pretty cool one!"

"Aw, thank you! I'm not used to having people be this nice to me, I always get beat up at school...anyways!! So you know the Natasha Romanoff?" He gets beat up every day? That must be terrible...."I'm sorry you get beat up, you seem too cool for that to happen every day...And yeah, she's my legal guardian. She rescued me too, her and Wanda. You know Wanda Maximoff, right?"
"WANDA FREAKING MAXIMOFF OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE COOLEST!!!" I severely disagree, but thanks anyways. I'll laugh despite it though. "They really are as famous as they say, huh! But when she is or isn't working, Natasha's just like any person. She is super cool though!"

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