You Wouldn't Believe-

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Author's Note: frick my inspiration is running dry I have a plan but I can't just jump to itttt AAHHH :( so enjoy another short piece of sh*t !!ALSO MINOR OUAT SPOILERS AT THE END!!

Sasha's POV

It was almost dinner time, but that didn't matter in the slightest. I knew I'd find her somewhere in our bunk, so I headed straight for it. Well. Until I was practically scooped up by Natasha. "NATALIA ALIANOV-"

"SHHHH! Jesus Sash, someone could think you died or something!"
"wHaTeVeR. What do you wantttt, I'm supposed to be FREE!"
"Yeah, you're free once Dr. Harver gives you a once over and you take all your meds."

"Ex-fricking-cuse me?" I stared her down, but eventually gave in and followed her to his office. I was just purely exhausted, and sat with a dead-inside look on my face as he examined me. I took all the pills in their separate dosages before zooming back to my room. Eli-as expected-was in our section. I flopped down next to her, and stretched out across the fluffy carpet. "I was wondering when you'd get back. Now spill. that. TEA SIS!!! Where'd you go?"
"You have negative 3000000 reasons to be happy. I literally went to therapy, met someone and went to another doctor, and then found out my powers are super cool, and that I have another surgery in tWO DAYS!"

"Oh...sorry about that Sash..." She put an arm around me, and I leaned into her. The past few hours talking to Peter had really made me think about how I felt. And now having my powers...available I guess? I'd be working at those all the time now. And I hoped that as soon as I recovered from the surgery, I'd be heading up to that cabin with Peter. That would definitely make the week better. I played with my hair. "Hey, you still want me to cut that today?"
"Oh...yeah, thanks El. Might help my mood..."
"Well then you can also tell me all about this person you met and all about your powers!" I smiled and sat up as she pulled the scissors from her desk. As she worked, I told her all about Peter, and how I'd be going up to the cabin with him. " sounds fun, and he seems super cool, but I'll miss you for a whole week!"

"Yeah, I know...I wish I could take you with me! But instead let me regale you with tales of my powers!"
"Which I'm sure will cheer me up!"

"They will, as long as I don't pass out before I'm done telling you!" We laughed, and I told her all about how I had quaked the room, and was able to make it stop pretty quickly. I also told her about how Wanda was coming tomorrow, and I'd work with her and Daisy. "Wait, does that mean you have a combination of their powers? THAT IS SO DAMN COOL!!!"

"It might! I can definitely quake stuff like Daisy, and apparently when I first came to HQ I

had a power surge, and there were powers like Wanda's." I couldn't see her face, but I could definitely tell she was grinning like crazy. "I actually have an interesting question for you Eli..." Was I finally going to tell her? I could try. "Oh? What's that?"
"Well, when I was talking to Peter...You know how I said we were talking a lot about the future, and how he wants to get married and have a kid? Well it got me thinking..." Fuck I can't do this. "What if one day I got married too? I wouldn't be stuck here all the time just doing missions, I could be out in the world!" And I want more than anything for it to be with you...Ugh why can't I just tell her!! She brushed the hair off my neck into the bag, and combed through the fluffy mess that was left. Almost instantly, I started to feel tired, and lay back into her arms. She laughed slightly, but just pushed me back up. I however, kept tipping backwards. Eventually once she had cleaned everything up, she picked me up, and laid me down in my bed. Why the hell was I so tired?? I mean it had been a very mentally and physically taxing day, but not this much! After a few moments of thinking, I determined that the meds almost certainly had something to do with it. I felt myself slip away into the darkness of sleep moments later, and relaxed.


Elizabeth's POV

She wants to get married huh...I wish she had said something like with who. I want to marry her...we can be together forever, have a kid...and maybe some horses, and just be a family. I know it's many many MANY years in the future, but what if...what if...I felt her muscles slack up. She must be exhausted from today, it's pretty late already. Wait a minute...if she's asleep, surely she won't notice if I...I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and put my arm around her. Sighing, I ran my hand through her newly cut hair. "Oh Sasha...if only I knew what was going on in your head sometimes." After a few more minutes, I got up to take a shower. By now we had most certainly missed dinner, so after I toweled off and threw on one of my torn sweatshirts and Sasha's jeans - yes of course I steal from her - and went to make some mac and cheese. I made enough so that Sash could have it when she woke up, and bypassed our room, heading for the couch. Switching it on, I scrolled through Netflix -Our commons were the only ones that had it because Romanoff had bought a lifetime subscription-I eventually picked out OUAT to watch. Sasha and I had been watching it together, so I went back to an older episode. Ah yes. When the curse was broken. The first time we saw this I wondered how the hell were there 7 seasons of this? They just solved the problem, right? Well no. Not in the slightest. I finished eating about halfway through, but waited until it was over to clean up and go back to Sash. When I did, she was still sleeping, so I lay the covers over her. "Should I climb in for a little bit...? I can just read or something and keep an eye on her..." I did. After another hour or so, I gave her one more quick kiss and went into my bed. I stayed up for a little longer, watching her. "Love you Sash..."

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