4 Days Later

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Authors Note: Sorry this part is a bit shorter and really bad, I spent today doing school things and crying thank you avengers fam. AlSo EnJoY a ClIfFhAnGeR lMaO

The girls were lazing around on the bean bags by the fire, Sam stretched out on top of Amirah. They were all waiting for Natasha to come in with their eagerly awaited delivery, they'd planned it out after Eli told them. As they continued to chat, someone knocked on the door, and Eli jumped up to get it. "I bet it's Romanoffffff!! She opened the door to see Natasha standing with a large box. Eli escorted her inside, and Sasha took the box. She cut it open, and started to take out all the flags, draping them over any surface she could find, assisted by Eli. Sam instantly claimed one of the lesbian ones, and she draped it around her and Amirah. Eli picked up the insanely large rainbow flag, looked around, and grinned* "Hey guys! What'd you say we hang this on the ceiling over here!" She pointed to above their bean bag hangout area. There were murmurs of agreement, and Natasha laughed. "Well since all of you all are shorties, and so am I, I'll go get a ladder!" Everyone laughed as Natasha left. "Hmm, Sash which do you want?"
"I want a lesbian oneeee! I know I haven't exactly been able to meet many guys our age other than everyone in the youth sector, but none of them...appeal to me, ya know! Well I know you do, you're probably more gay than anyone here..." Everyone laughed, and Eli turned pink, blushing. Ming sifted through all the ones they got, and picked out the bisexual pride flag, and took it to her room to hang on her bed. Zoya, who was the oldest of the bunch, gingerly took the transgender flag. Her short, spiky hair poked out of her hoodie as she wrapped it around her. Ming came back and gave her a tight hug, and they disappeared to their room for a few minutes. Lexi and Rhea were both unsure, so they took the genderqueer flag and hung it between their beds. Natasha came back at about the same time Ming and Zoya came out of their rooms, stapling gun and ladder in hand. "Okay girls come move these out of the way! I need to be able to reach this ceiling!!"
"You have got a point honestly, I mean sure you're short, but it's like a cathedral in here!" This remark from Amirah earned a glare from Natasha, and laughs and snickers from all the other girls. They dragged the bean bags into the kitchen, stacking them up, and they all helped each other turn the couch sideways and shove it close to the door. Lexi and Zoya held the ladder steady as Natasha climbed up, flag in one hand and stapler in the other. She put three in at the top and let the flag hang before climbing down. Zoya moved the ladder, and Natasha finished stapling the flag, and the girls replaced the couch and their precious bean bags. "Okay, what do you have planned for the rest? Cause I have to stay here and supervise you little demons!"

"Well, we were thinking that we could hang the rest around the commons. It'll cheer the place up, we have almost nothing on the walls anyway, so it'll make the place feel more gay! And who doesn't want that!" The girls all agreed, and Natasha asked them to make marks on each wall where they wanted the flags. They planned for there to be at least 3 per wall, Sasha praying that the pencil marks on the walls would be hidden. They wound up with three on the back wall, and 4 on each side wall, and Rhea helped Sasha go around and inspect the walls. "Okay, they all look pretty hidden, we'll be okay!"

"That's wonderful Sash, now I can rest easy knowing that Fury won't find pencil marks on the walls and kill one of you in your sleep," Natasha and the others laughed. "Hey, do you guys want some cocoa? I was thinking of making some..."

"That'd be wonderful Ming, thank you so much!!" Sasha smiled at her as she got up and headed to the kitchen. When the cocoa finished, Natasha apologized and said she had to get going. The girls sat back on their bean bags, and chatted about gayness for a while. An hour or so later, Sam and Amirah retired to their rooms, and so did Ming and Zoya. The four remaining decided to play a game of uno. Lexi got up to get the cards, and they played a few rounds before Lexi went to meet Agent Snow for training, and Rhea went to her room to work on her art. Sasha got up to wash out the mugs, and Eli waited for her to get back, knowing this was the time. As Sasha sat back down, Eli came a bit closer to her, and put an arm around Sasha's small shoulders. "Sasha? I need to tell you something..."

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